first grow, two weeks in


Active Member
here they are, most are pretty healthy. first outdoor grow but so far satisfied. Im going to have to buy some pesticides :( but oh well, what ya gonna do. on the one small runt plant the leaves are turning yellow, don't know why, just got 2 days of straight rain though. what ya think.



Well-Known Member
they look good bro take care of them like ur children. how long after u planted the germinated seeds did it take to sprout? how much water did u add when u planted them?


Active Member
for the germination process, every thing was completly steril, as in fresh ziplock back, and water that was filtered and then left in the sun for a day. then I used an organic fish fertilizer solution and mixed it with the water for germination. Once this was done about 20 seeds were put in, and withen 4 days, all the sprouts were about 1 1/2" long, and about 18 of them hatched. After that one part potting soil and one part organic seaweed and shrimp compost were mixed together and that is the grow medium. All those plants shown there are exactly 8 days old so im pretty excited with there growth. I think moms starting to notice the funny looking pepermint plants so they are being transplanted into the wild tomorrow morning. Putting 8 of them in one spot, and 8 in another. So with me luck, hopefully this will produce a couple pounds of bud.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with your grow. It looks like mine will have to go out in the wild when they are two weeks old. How have yours held up in the rain? That is my biggest concern while they are so young.


Active Member
k guys, its been about 2 months from the getgo now, all plants are doing well. we had a bit of a drout here so the plants hurt for a good 2 weeks but the rain is here now and the plants are loving it. here they are, all 15 plants look like this, about 2 feet tall.!!!!



Well-Known Member
nice lookin indica bro good luck. hope it turns out well. wathch for males and take em out fast


Active Member
well il post up more pics tonight but damn oh damn are my hunnies doing well. at 2 sights there doing awsome, there in the ground, at the other bunch they were in pots (6") now they wernt doing to well, so they just got the big 15" upgrade, should do the trick and I want to keep these bunch a little bit smaller just because its a sensitive locations, but even with a 15" pot, they should still produce and ounce or few.