first grow the doctor by green house seeds:L help needed


Well-Known Member
Lack of nitrogen won't make brown spots cal and magnesium will though nitrogen is not as important during flowering. Nitrogen is for lush green growth. Not big dense nugs. So let's hope it's just nitrogen. Plants pull nitrogen from older leaves to reuse in new growth. It's very mobile in and out of the plant. The micro nutes are not mobile so the plant can't pull from old growth to reuse
Yo, copper is the problem or lime. tap water.... lockout, think about it.


Active Member
you guys are over thinking it way too much.

I ielieve the correct question was being asked earlier when stated "HOW MUCH DO YOU WATER?" as in how many cups or gallon of water do you put into the soil when you water. Even if you are over watering it should perk up before it dries back out.

You should water 15% percent of total container volume. So in 6 gallon pot you should water one gallon. I did the first thing my first couple plants.

Good luck. Please don't flush, will only make things worse. Give it some kelp or seaweed of some sort and she'll be blazing.
you guys are over thinking it way too much.

I ielieve the correct question was being asked earlier when stated "HOW MUCH DO YOU WATER?" as in how many cups or gallon of water do you put into the soil when you water. Even if you are over watering it should perk up before it dries back out.

You should water 15% percent of total container volume. So in 6 gallon pot you should water one gallon. I did the first thing my first couple plants.

Good luck. Please don't flush, will only make things worse. Give it some kelp or seaweed of some sort and she'll be blazing.
Well if that's all it is.


Well-Known Member
you guys are over thinking it way too much.

I ielieve the correct question was being asked earlier when stated "HOW MUCH DO YOU WATER?" as in how many cups or gallon of water do you put into the soil when you water. Even if you are over watering it should perk up before it dries back out.

You should water 15% percent of total container volume. So in 6 gallon pot you should water one gallon. I did the first thing my first couple plants.

Good luck. Please don't flush, will only make things worse. Give it some kelp or seaweed of some sort and she'll be blazing.
Im just speaking out of experience with tap water. remember tap water is not the same everywhere and can always be a variable. I agree with you on the watering, and the flushing, flushing is bad for your mycrobs in soil. Since what feeds your plants is either nutes and a catalyst or the same functions with mycrobs enzymes trichoderma, bacillius. Kelp as you mentioned is a great product to use since it is one of the worlds quickest growing plants. This helps healing processes most times, also if you look at one of the extracts of kelp it resembles the same acid that is used as rooting hormone.
props to you sir:weed:
Well if that's all it is.
When I first looked at the pics I thought the leaves had the dark vein thing happening. But when zoomed in I think the veins are just deep causing shadowing in the pic. It could be as simple as over watering cause the buds look well developed thus far. Cannabis likes a drier soil it's good to lift your pot and if it feels light it's time to water. The yellowing of older water leaves are signals for late in flowering stage. I'm not a newbie been growing for years successfully and have a degree in plant science. I'm just new at trying to help others diagnose through pics


Well-Known Member
Id Normally waster using a litre of ph 6.5 water and then Id add nutrients to it and water it . Normally I'd wait until it's dry again and light to lift that's what I've been doing so far anyway


Active Member
Can you try this for me please it might help.

1 Gal Distilled wanted
5ml Cal/Mag
3/4 strength nutes

This should drop the PH in the distilled to around 5.5ish
test it make sure.

PH up this plant to 6.2ish

run that cycle for 1 week check plant, im betting this will perk it up if your using the bloom stage of the plant nutes.

Cal/Mag is ESSENTIAL for nute uptake in all stages of the plants life cycle.
Tap water not so much because it has stuff in the water from the tap.


Active Member
How big are your containers??

If it were me this is what i would do. I would put some mulch on the top of the soil to stop so much water fluctuation. plants like a consistent water level in their limbs and soil, and mulch helps regulate by letting less water evaporate.

I would then take a cup of water and give my plant a cup of water every hour. Make sure to have a drain dish up under the pot the first couple cups may pour right through, indicating the soil has gone hydrophobic. The water will soak back in while waiting an hour. Keep doing this until the water stops getting wicked back into the pot.

This will also let you know how much water your plant can take. A max level.
TOP WITH COMPOST< EWC> SOMETHING. This will have every mineral (calmag)nutrient blah blah covered for you. Heck go dig up some leaves in the woods and cover your pot with that. Who fertilizes the forest?
Then go buy some coconut water, aloe or kelp. Use it. Abuse it.
The fading green lets u see the new purple. I think they look like it's time to look at the trichomes do you have a 60/100 x's magnifier? I think it's ok. The big fan leaves are ugly by the end of most of my grows. Looks like you are good at not picking leaves. When you look at the trichomes if the look amber, the majority it's getting really close. I think your bud will be good leaves r just trimmed off anyways. All strains are different I have 9 strains they all react different some like less fert less h20. That's why b4 a grower takes a strain to cannabis cup they practice growing the same strain for 2 years minimum. Kinda crazy! Just don't add nitrogen. What ever the nutes numbers show. Don't worry unless you start seeing powder mildew or bugs. I will post some pics of the Jorge Cervantes grow bible of trichomes and hair color ? If u want. It's your 1st grow. It's normal to worry about everything.
My grow vegging. I was so worried I had no idea what was wrong with my leaves now they are perfect 48 hours later after correctly adjusting my ph meterimage.jpg
When your grow is nearing the end do you have a bud blaster or hardener this would be a good time to utilize. Did u say 1-3-3 was your NPK. Is it organic those lower numbers are typical of organic products. Sorry I reply so much I like helping new growers. Bud blaster has like 1-45-49. It would be good to take a look under a magnifier to see what percent of trichomes just keep that ph near 6.0


Well-Known Member
What I meant was how do you tell the difference between pH lockout and a nutrient problem? If the solution is to flush and the plants look better, how do you know that it wasn't a matter of being over fertilized? That would cause the pH problem as fert content in soil or water is what causes the pH to be what it is. pH being one way to the other is dependent on the fert content in the soil. Get that right and you won't have to worry about pH. After 12 weeks of grow time, your plant is small due to weak lighting. The yellowing is from 5 weeks of flower. These plants die naturally and after so many weeks of flower, complicated by weak lighting, it is dying naturally. I suspect that unless you have really screwed up a fert regimen, the last thing you should worry about is pH. Don't mean to sound like a jerk and I know that people are very much into this pH idea, but pH is a symptom of something else going on in the soil or water in hydro. The point is to find the cause of bad pH, which is usually a wrong fert content. Both potting soil and water will have a pretty neutral pH until fert is added, either at a manufacturer or by the grower.
Aren't the high phosphorus bud blaster actually suppose to be given in the first week of flower and only once? What good would it do to give so much phosphorus at the end of the grow? You don't want to load the plant with fert just before harvest. You want to give nothing but water to get the fert out, otherwise you end up consuming those chemicals. No good.


Well-Known Member
ok then sorry i made that mistake it was a nutrient problem. i have had any problems with my ph as i have this powder that keeps it at 6.5 . :shock: should i get some bud blaster ? how much would i need ive found a place that does small 25 gram bags.? would that be enough
The bud blaster is used at the last 2 weeks 1 time then your done with the nutes. The plant is already pulling nitrogen so he shouldn't have chemical nasty