First Grow Starting to flower (WITH VID)


Active Member
As the title says this is my first grow you can follow back on my previous threads if you would like to catch up on the grow............

Basically its a low budget dresser CFL SCROG soil grow long story short....

As for right now I'm currently on day 6 of flower the footage was taken on day 4, it mostly showcases how far along my early flowers are. Yes early I'm not sure what the cause was but I have one branch on my plant that started to flower while in veg, never the less they are looking nice and frosty. Any comments on the grow it self and anything that anyone notices that could be wrong are great help...

Here's the video....................[video=youtube;YK-Y_XUtL9w][/video]


Well-Known Member
sorry but that plant looks like shit. not trying to be rude. but you have some problems to deal with.


Active Member
sorry but that plant looks like shit. not trying to be rude. but you have some problems to deal with.
Really helpful I cant thank you enough for all your insight. In case you didn't get the drift of the sarcasm maybe listing off a few of the problems "that I need to deal with" would have been helpful.

I can assure you I know that there are some issues with the plant that would explain why I'm reaching out to people who have knowledge on growing for help. I thought that the "cannabis growing community" was good place to start figuring people would be more than open to help someone with less knowledge and would have pride in teaching new things to others.

But instead of anyone trying to give me an idea of whats wrong or what i should change instead i get "your plant looks like trash" "why wast your time you'll be lucky to get a joint off that plant" "cfls are garbage get hps" " that plants scary looking id scrap it and start over"

So one more time i'll try this ill be posting one more update tonight after i get my new vid edited it will contain a vid update as well as close up pictures because the auto focus is a bit of in the video I will post a link in this thread and would greatly appreciate some actual help please list any problems you see in the plant as well as any thoughts on what I need to change to fix it.


Well-Known Member
there is something wrong with them, but nothing you can't fix, I don't know what it is though, but with a little love you can get those leaves looking perky, sorry I can't help you there. you will still be able to get a nice yield off them when they come up, you're barely a week in and you shouldn't worry about anything. if they were 8 weeks in and looking like this yeah, I'd be worried, but you still got a ways to go you'll get them going good in no time, sorry I can't be more help, I'm just trying to give you a shot of karma, and some positive vibes


Active Member
So here's an update, today is day 11 of flower or to accurate 11 days since I flipped to 12/12. As previously stated there is a whole branch that started to flower while in veg, I still have no idea why.

Again I'm still learning and can use any help, I've been told somethings wrong with the plant but no one can lead me in any direction as to what it could be. Any issues you see please let me know

Here's the video up date.....

And here's some pictures...
your video ask if you should trim, but i personally wouldnt you only have 1 - 3 finger fan leafs going on. From my experience for teh most part the more fingers the happier the plant is, i normally get 7 - 11 finger fan leafs.


Active Member
your video ask if you should trim, but i personally wouldnt you only have 1 - 3 finger fan leafs going on. From my experience for teh most part the more fingers the happier the plant is, i normally get 7 - 11 finger fan leafs.
I honestly think its just genetics causing the 3 bladed leafs, I got it as a clone from a friend who's been growing for years. I brought up the 3 bladed leaves thinking I didn't have enough watts or what not because im using cfls. He said since he started the strain he hasn't been able to get more than a 3 blade leaf even under 600w HID. And from my knowledge most indicas will grow fat 5 - 7 bladed leaves where stativas have the thin blades and range from 5 to 11, just what Ive read but I can't find nothing on 3 bladed leaves.


Well-Known Member
I got some buds that look a little similar to what you have. my buddy at the BCBudDepot told me to boost N, and add blue spectrum lighting
"You could put em under some blue spectrum dominant light and give em a weak dose of nitro at first then up the nutes a bit gradually and in a few weeks they could crank out some decent buds.[FONT=Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, Times New Roman, serif]"

Mine are also on a pretty random time, my friend turns them on and off when he remembers, I keep telling him 12/12 and I think i'm gonna get him a timer soon


Active Member
GET HIM A TIMER! Lighting is no joke something as small as a light leak can stress your plant if he just turns it on and off when ever odds are the plant will hermie on you and be full of seeds. Also lighting issues like that can confuse the shit out of your plant if it gets 12/12 for 4 days then the next 4 days closer to 18/6 it will keep jumping from flower to re-veg....

Thanks for the input on the nitrogen defiency ill try to add some high N nutes in with the next feeding, as for the spectrum I'm running 2 2700k cfls (red spectrum) for flowering but I also have a 6500k (blue spectrum) from when I was veging that i left in when I flipped to flower so its got a full spectrum. So I'm not sure but i don't think I need to add any more blue spectrum in as I'm into flower already.


Well-Known Member
these babies haven't hermied in the slightest. NO clue why though, I totally agree with you, its just that it is about 25 miles there and I own a bicycle not a car, so I can't turn the lights on/off myself or I would. I think they get no more than 14 hours cause I constantly remind him about it. I hope they pick up a bit when you feed them.


New Member
It looks like it re veg and it went back to flowering again..what kinda flowering nutrients r u giving it? Look up Nitrogen Toxicity


Active Member
It looks like it re veg and it went back to flowering again..what kinda flowering nutrients r u giving it? Look up Nitrogen Toxicity
miricle grow bloom at 1/2 strength... So your thinking to much nitrogen ??
Should I flush for a while?
Should I drop my nutes more?