First Grow, Please help


Hey, as I said there first grow, first post and i know i know nearly nothing about this but thats why im here.

Ive decided im going start growing and started on a setup.
Its basicaly a large black box with holes in the lid for my pots. i have built a kind of square with pvc tubing with sprinkler and misting heads with the biggest fountain pump i could buy. As far as i know this with the pump will spray the roots as the dangle freely in this container and will water them basicly, this is really all ive done so far and i've looked but will look again to see if i can find any posts but im a bit of growing yet my friend done it with soil with a 600 watt hps and it didnt quite work for him so i dont want to do it wrong any help on lights, cooling, anything you think i should know would be great cheers


Well-Known Member
Coco is almost impossible to overwater, unlike soil. Cal-mag is a must when growing in coco and more frequent watering schedule is required but yes it's almost as easy as soil. I've grown in both and have had much better results with coco because I CAN water more which means I can feed more too.