First grow....pic of young plant....opinions?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys....this is my first grow.....I'm growing in my closet with cfl's . I am wondering if anyone can help me identify the strain of this plant as it is off of some really good bag seed. I understand that it's probably too early to tell what strain it is. Also, I'm only going to grow 2 plants to start. I have 2 -42 watt 2700 lumen cfls on each plant. I'll add more as the plant grows.



Well-Known Member
i think Victor read the 2700 lumens as 2700k and that would be why he said about the flowering lights.
are you using 2700k or 6400k lights?
the 2700k are what is used for the flowering stage, they produce more red light which is what is needed during flowering.
6400k is what is used for the veg stage, these have more blue to them which is what the plants use when growing.
either will work ok though the 2700k can cause a bit of stretching if used on their own for veg due to the low level of blue light.
how old is the plant?


Well-Known Member
these are the lights I am using... I have 2 of these on each plant..I have no idea how many "k" these are...I only know that each bulb throws 2700 lumens each.... heres a pic of the light package and of the setup. Thoughts?



Well-Known Member
So would it be better to sacrifice some lumens and get the correct type of light if these are wrong?? I think the biggest bulb that wal mart sells thats " daylight" or " cool" is like 1600 lumens per bulb... so I'd only have 3200 lumens per plant instead of 5400 lumens per plant like I have now. Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
dude, you got enough potential light. It's all about placement. I use growing fixtures with metal cones that direct all the light towards the plant. i'm using only 2 27w cfl's and i'm getting better light coverage. both of your lights are pointed away from the plant. point it twards the plant and get a new fixture. those leaves aren't getting enough light, that's why theyre turned way the hell down.


Well-Known Member
I have read that cfl's throw light best to the side.....thats why I have them like that..... I dont know how else I'd set it up..... I'm so new at this I'm kinda lost.


Well-Known Member
they may throw light from the side, but the way they are set up, you are wasting the other side of the bulbs light. You need a way to reflect all that light down toward the plant.

On the back of your package it will tell you what spectrums of light the bulb is producing.


Active Member
they may throw light from the side, but the way they are set up, you are wasting the other side of the bulbs light. You need a way to reflect all that light down toward the plant.

On the back of your package it will tell you what spectrums of light the bulb is producing.
fuckin' a, man.