First grow period and with a ebb and flow


Active Member
Thanks then that is wxactly what i will do. How long should I leave them in rockwool

Pictures are always welcome I just hope more people join because I am about to post some pics of White Widow, Crystal and Ice that I planted last week in a hydro and soil mixture of coco and sterilized soil. They are doing great for now. I will post those tomorrow when I get a chance.
Sorry about the wxactly its actually exactly but I just toted on some bud. My bad


More to come, got to do some building...

Using Rockwoll 2inch cubes in clay balls.

General Hydroponics (Using their nutrient Calculator on their site and their formula for aggressive growth.

Using a 600watt HPS in a 36x24inch room!
I know its a bit much but it was quick thinking when the system came available.

Got a bit of a heat problem but with a little standing and looking at the little room i figured out quick fixes, but the new room will be bad!

Talk in a few hours guys!:joint:


Sorry - Seeds are bag seed. thought i would give it a go. Got plants of all sizes and shapes. I think i got a BigBud but im not too sure. I have a post asking anyone to assist with the identity of the strain. I have some Lowryder coming in a few weeks gonna see how they do then go from the Northern lights. Might even get a little creative and see if I can stress a nothern lights plant enough so that I get a hermie and get tons of seeds.... who knows. Got alot of info in my head just need to let it out. Have been in the presence of a few great growers whom i wish to be like some day! and yes that was me kissing a littl butt on that one!


Active Member
i leave them in rockwool the whole time. I transplant from one inch into four inches. When they show roots out of the four inches then they go straight in to the ebb and flow system. For veg I use a drip system.(PICS BELOW). I got the idea from the Mr. Green videos on the internet. If you haven't watched them I highly recommend. I will be putting some pictures up in the next few days of the girls, I'm really starting to get excited they are looking sweet.



Active Member
Your grow room looks awesome. Mine doesn't look so hot right now bcause I am trying to get everything ready for my ladies. I will post pictures a little while later today


I have been working on a new room and will be posting up pics in a few days. Was wondering if you guys have any major pointers for cloning. I have read the FAQ and read this and that on the internet. But, there is nothing like just asking a friend if they have had any luck or any problems.


Active Member
I need to know more about cloning as well. I figure I will read more on it when it gets that time. We can surely find someone on here that can help


Active Member
for some reason it will not let me post pics again, but here is something you guys are going to like. I can't post links right now so your going to have to put in every letter and word, but go and check this out it's not that expensive and from what i have read it works great. I haven't had a chance to use mine yet because I'm moving and don't have time for a second batch. Here you guys go get ready to shop and read read. Alright the link didn't work so I will tell you guys where to go. Go to you probably have to sign up and all, but there is alot of good information on that web site to. Once you sign up go to growers forums, then go to hydro, and once you get into that sight right at the top section of the page there will be something that says e-z cloner in ten easy steps. Check it out it's some goooooood shit.


I jacked up my camera in the move and I will post pics of the new setup ina few days. Finally got it to a good setup!


sucks about the camera, but I'm looking forward to seeing your set up. Good luck.....
Got a few of the room but i wanted to show ou how fast mine are growing. Got a set of pics over a few weeks.

The first two pics are 05-20 and 05-25
the rest are on 6-8

Not sure if you can call me Ebb and Flow. There are so many different labels for what system you have. It goes to a certain level of water at certain times of the day then drains off. they are in 1 inche rockwool adn then in clay peletts.

All of these are from bag seed. I have picked a mother out of them all and started cloning. I have run all this from 12/12. (I looked at my paper journal and found this out.) Let me know what you think!:eyesmoke:



Active Member
check these baby's out. They are on day 25 of 12/12 and they will now stop growing. I might run out of room. hopefully they stop growing up and grow out more. In the last couple of days the buds have started looking really good. My camera sucks right now so I can't give you a clear picture of them. Tell my what you think. I have one more rez change at the beginning of next week, and after that I'm going to be flushing. I say these are going to take about sixty days or so........ by the way really nice set up can't wait to see them girls to get big and smelly. I will def be watching.... It's amazing how fast they grow...



check these baby's out. They are on day 25 of 12/12 and they will now stop growing. I might run out of room. hopefully they stop growing up and grow out more. In the last couple of days the buds have started looking really good. My camera sucks right now so I can't give you a clear picture of them. Tell my what you think. I have one more rez change at the beginning of next week, and after that I'm going to be flushing. I say these are going to take about sixty days or so........ by the way really nice set up can't wait to see them girls to get big and smelly. I will def be watching.... It's amazing how fast they grow...

I feel ya on the camera issues. Got a could more pics for you guys!


Active Member
I feel ya on the camera issues. Got a could more pics for you guys!
Sorry I haven't been on lately because I am getting ready to go on vacation and I have had hell getting everything ready. I had one question for you two. Since we are the only three that have posted on this thread. How safe is it too actually post pictures on here. I am kinda worried about it and just wanted some input from you two. BTW both of your setups are looking great and as soon as I find out how safe it is to post pictures on here I will be glad to post some myself:bigjoint:


good good question. I will tag a few photos with some bogus info, post em then download em to see if the information is still there. will give ya the low down when I am done bro


Post and be happy.

I took a few pics and posted them with bogus author and camera info. Uploaded then downloaded from the site. All I am getting is pixels and size of pix, none of the info that I had put in earlier. I am thinking it is safe to post.


Active Member
Hey u two if you still check this post I am sorry for not posting anything earlier I just don't trust website's but now say screw it. I am growing marijuana so thats alot worse then posting on a website. Whatever happens will happen. Anyways will post some pics of my ladies tonight when they get woke up. Let me see some pictures of ur grows.


Active Member
btw I used coco fiber instead of my ebb & flow because I couldn't get my seeds to grow in rockwool. So the setup is totally different then what I wanted.


Active Member
Hey hopefully you two still check this to see if i ever will load some pictures but if not i will send u a message. One is pineapple express,white widow,chrystal, and ice they are all looking good. I found coco to be easy to use. They are in week nine flowering stage atm. :fire:

