First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
sup green bro have you sampled the crop yet mate???
Hi UK, yeah I tried both, a small bud off the Purples which was very uppy/trippy, and some flowers off the Cinammons which completely baked me believe it or not - already a lot of crystals on them even thought the buds haven't filled out yet, kind of an anaesthetic trip LOL. Both nice, in fact I am wrecked on Cinammon right now LOL. I reckon the Cinammon would be a complete madman if it was to mature :o

green, i think u can put all ur leaves and stems into the fridge so they dry. u can use the thc off them somehow.. i did know but cant remember now. if i find out ill let u know.
Thanks smokeh and Staro, great I have to make sure I get the most out of these ladies as they have to do me till this time next year LOL.

no trouble gb
Cheers mate ;)


Well-Known Member
lol mate im really glad ya plants came along in the end man now its your turn for those buds..:-P
but i didnt expect ya plants to look like fukn trees da man green!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks UK LOL. I'm shocked mate, I imagined all these little shrubs, maybe a few feet high at the most LOL. I'm just glad it looks like I'm going to get a few nice buds man to keep me going.


Well-Known Member
Hi Pink, how's things mate? How's your girls doing? Yeah I know, what a complete wanker!! Feel really bad for Staro ...

And thanks for the link Pink LOL. I had that vid on my hard drive before the dog broke it the other week and was looking forward to watching it before harvesting, so it was good to find it again. Let us know how your getting on man ;)


Well-Known Member
lmfao thas the vid where i learned how to do it...
But i didnt have the big ass silk screen so i used my grinder...:-P


Well-Known Member
just for advanced warning, when you get ready to harvest dont forget to wear safety goggles when operating your chainsaw. also, make sure to cut it right so that fuckin tree doesnt fall on your ass.


Breaking News:
Young man found dead, smushed by giant purple cannabis tree. :P

great looking plants you got. very tall, very sexy.


Well-Known Member
lmfao thas the vid where i learned how to do it...
But i didnt have the big ass silk screen so i used my grinder...:-P
Hi UK. LOL - good thinking on the grinder man!!! I don't have a screen either, so probably use a grinder instead (need to get one of those).

how are the girls looking GB? i cant wait to see those cinnamins fatten up :D hows the weather holdin up?
Girls looking good thanks HookeOn. Purples are getting really purple (it's getting cold) and Cinammons absolutely covered in little white hairs now. The smaller buds are starting to show signs of filling out and actually looking like buds, but the main colas are still skinny LOL. It's been wet on and off last couple of days, but still the odd bit of sun. The cold is my main concern now.

just for advanced warning, when you get ready to harvest dont forget to wear safety goggles when operating your chainsaw. also, make sure to cut it right so that fuckin tree doesnt fall on your ass. LOL Breaking News: Young man found dead, smushed by giant purple cannabis tree. :P jkjkjk great looking plants you got. very tall, very sexy.
Hi skitzo and thanks for the comments LOL. Very funny, and thanks for the "young man" comment - that's made my day ;) LOL - thanks for stopping by.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, just a short update. We had very strong winds here yesterday, but it was dry and as usual the girls were getting shelter in the corner (you've seen them "huddled together" before). Yesterday evening there must've been an almighty gust of wind - I heard a crash and looked outside to see all eight girls basically scattered all over the garden LOL. Anyway I rushed out and started putting them in only to find the main cola busted off one of the tallest Purple Powers. Also a small branch off one of the other Purples, and a branch off a Cinammon, but not much in the way of buds in either case so assume "SMOKED". So first decent, albeit premature, harvest. Couple of pics:

PIC 1: Before trimming.

PIC 2: After a rough trim.

Obviously it's not quite ripe, but I wanna get the most out of it smoke wise so it's now hanging in a cool dark airy place and I imagine it will be there for a week or two if I can keep away. And as those small leaves are really sticky I've just left most of them on there. I'll generally smoke anything LOL, but I think in this case it will genuinely improve the smoke. Going by what I've sampled so far it should be fairly decent anyway - I hope :)


Well-Known Member
you must have some strong ass wind around your neck of the woods!

i would have put them indoors if i knew bad weather was expected....tisk tisk


Well-Known Member
very strong wind my arse lol come on gb admit it you could'nt fight the urge to snap
a couple of those big fat colas off could ya go on you can tell me ha ha ha


Well-Known Member
very strong wind my arse lol come on gb admit it you could'nt fight the urge to snap
a couple of those big fat colas off could ya go on you can tell me ha ha ha
ha! quality

yeah i remember the wind being quite strong along with some pretty bad rain here. was a bitch trying to keep my grow room door closed.

anyway. those buds look very nice. im glad to hear ur drying them properly for a decent smoke instead of quick drying them.

give us a smoke report when u pinch into them.......... c'mon, who can resist those! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i guess thats just another risk of outdoor growing, oh well u get some smoke to hold ya off :bigjoint: lets see some pics
Hi HookedOn, yeah s**t happens to the best of us LOL. But as you said I get some early smoke :) so I'm not complaining ... Will get some pics up soon I hope, if the rain stays away ...

you must have some strong ass wind around your neck of the woods! i would have put them indoors if i knew bad weather was expected....tisk tisk
LOL - was expecting wind OK skitzo, but they're well used to that. What I wasn't expecting was a mini tornado which it must have been to scatter plants, pots, bricks and all ... I was lucky I think, could have been a lot worse.

very strong wind my arse lol come on gb admit it you could'nt fight the urge to snap a couple of those big fat colas off could ya go on you can tell me ha ha ha
LOLOL - would I lie to you bob? Haha, tempting as it was I was determined to let those colas alone so I was a bit pissed off to say the least (it's only one thankfully). But nothing wrong with a nice early uppy one to keep me paranoid and on my toes :)

ha! quality yeah i remember the wind being quite strong along with some pretty bad rain here. was a bitch trying to keep my grow room door closed. anyway. those buds look very nice. im glad to hear ur drying them properly for a decent smoke instead of quick drying them. give us a smoke report when u pinch into them.......... c'mon, who can resist those! :bigjoint:
Haha, yeah the weather's crap smokeh!!! I'll definitely dry it properly as it'll probably be a bit harsh anyway being young. But I have plenty of smokable material from the other branches I lost, so hopefully I'll resist picking it away to nothing over the next week or so LOL.

High Rise

Active Member
Hi greenbehemoth,

Newbie to this forum but long time grower (10 years) and also in the UK. Just had to say how nice that bud looks, even if it is a little early. Also wanted to say that bud will still be very good to smoke. Last year I had to cut an outdoor Northern Lights bush in week 1 October as it turned very wet and windy and it looked much like yours as far as finish goes, ie leafy and underipe BUT the smoke was excellent. Let us know how it smokes?

Unfortunately for me I had a visit from our friends in blue this year and had to watch them dig up my garden plants as well as chop my indoor grow...not a pleasant experience! Fortunately I'm not a heavy user so I can get by without growing but still enjoy reading the forums :-) Anyway, sorry wandered off topic there.... good luck with finishing them but my advice would always be to cut slightly early rather than risk mold if the weather goes against you..... btw, wind is good, it keeps those buds dry, gales as you say not so good!

Good luck.

High Rise

Active Member

Choose early strains and let nature do the rest. Want you need are a good August and a settled September. Its lovely to watch those trichs glistening in the rain! Point is that even UK weather can produce very nice stuff, these plants are incredibly resilient. I've grown outdoors & indoors for 10 years. if you plant straight in the ground around mid May you will have a 6 foot beast by September! Use all the tricks in the book to train them, tie them down, pinch and bend, get them just how you want them by August and watch them go. In pots they remain smaller and more controllable but for me nothing beats the taste of cannabis grown straight in the earth as mother nature intended (ever tried outdoor grown Canadian like Mighty Mite?... taste is supreme :-) Once the roots hit that water table they explode with growth. The outdoor NL I refered to above yielded well over seven dry OZ's..... I have pics somewhere. A good mate who knows his gear could not believe it was UK outdoor grown smoke!


Well-Known Member
shit green that looks the size of it lmfao....
i remember wen u was like... i hope i get some bud of these:mrgreen:
lmfao looks like a fine ass bud mate...