First Grow - Light to Space trouble?


Well-Known Member
i have a 250w hps fixture and i have NFT gro tank 110cm x 50cm, i think i can get 5 plants in this tank?
will this light cover the whole of this tank?
i have no money left to buy a completly new lighting so i was wondering if it would work?


seeming i cant afford another lamp im going to have to use sunlight and a desk lamp to propagate some cuttings i will get off a close friend. i also have a heated propagation tray

heated propagation tray
clonex rooting gel
Vitalink Plant start
Ph kit
desk lamp :l

will this do the job?
help please



New Member
You can use the 250 HPS to grow five plants ... even a few more if you like. You're yield won't be staggering though ... but completely fine for a personal grow.

Instead of using just a "regular" bulb, like that in your desk lamp, for your seedlings and cuttings, go with one of the various florescent bulbs out there that are designed for plants. They are cheap. You really don't need a lot of light for seedlings and cuttings. I use two, two-foot, 20 watt floros that I bought at Home Depot YEARS ago. Look for the ones that are designed specifically for house plants.

I don't like the cloning "gels" at all. I used to use Olivia's Cloning Gel, then all of a sudden, my clones stopped rooting. I discovered that the gels go bad after a time. That's when I switched over to rooting powders ... and have had no problem since.

By the way ... I get almost a 100% success rate with my cuttings using these low powered floros and have for years.

Good luck ...



Well-Known Member
bump bumphgfjgfhgf
Get rid of the incandescent bulb and get some CFL's they are like $8 for 2 of them at walmart... You can get a Y adapter and run both of them from your lamp...

I use a 2ft T5 HO with (4) 24w floro bulbs and an additional (2) 26w CFL's and they are fine for all 12 of my babies, so a couple of CFL's for your clones i would assume will be fine, but that other bulb you have is useless!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

All the info on this site and you couldent dig out if a 250w would cover 110cm x 50cm... thats kinda sad my friend. Also CFL bulb topics are EVERYWHERE, but who am I to stop the hand holding.