First Grow in a Foreign Country critque my setup please.


Active Member
Ok So I got everything ready but self criticism doesn't beat peer criticism so let me have it.

I am living in a very foreign place so remember I am working with what i can.

So first I have a large grow room due to the size restrictions on places here.

I have converted a room into a grow op it has large space and it is 2 exits with no windows but it allows me to isolate the light and still gives me fresh air during the day with recirculated air at night.

For lights I am using 2 light fixtures with day and cool 40watt fluorescent bulbs.

NOTE - (any recommendations for flowering)

Due to limited resources I am using top quality soil instead of a hydro setup, fortunately I have great plant growing conditions now so it should be ok temp and humidity wise.

NOTE (again if anybody has any tips for beginning a indoor soil based grow please let me know)

I am starting with some belladonna, white widow and ak47 so if anyone has any tips for these strains in particular please feel free.

Right after germination I will be planting in soil little pots after sprouting I will move everything into bigger pots and I won't be adding in nutrients right away I want to try and keep everything simple and natural at first due to my inexperience and because of the ideal grow conditions right now for the next 4 months.

Again big time newbie here but please any support is great you guys have been a big help already so please help me spread the love to my new cross border friends.

EDIT - Setup is going down this weekend so I will update this page frequently with pics.