first grow! i hope...

so anyone that feels like reading i'm going to be posting my first grow step by step and looking for a lot of help along the way.

Started off two weeks ago with some seeds that i had laying around, not with the intent of growing them, but just to get practicing germinating. not one root sprouted after 3 days but i figured it soaked up some water so i stuck them in some dirt watered... waited... nothing.

got some nice ww seeds about 3 days ago and started them right away on a plate with paper towels soaked, but not too soaked, in room temperature tap water. I have well water and clorine isn't necessarily an issue but i let it sit out rm temp for a while anyway. kept them in the bathroom closet with the heat on for little over 72 hours now. 12 seeds started not one little white foot poppin yet.

am i doing something wrong?
am i being impatient?
could my water ph be that far off to mess up germinating even tho i could probably bottle it and sell it cuz its that good?
Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Maybe the seeds are duds? lol i hope not, ive had problems when I was younger with overwatering my seeds with the paper towel method, all you need is moisture constantly, also dark and warm. Ive had some seeds that took up to a month to germinate.
yea i was worried about that. i'm guilty of buying from a seed company w/ mixed reviews for cheap. 24 seeds later and 0% germ ratio. crappy seeds or not im startin to think it's the grower...
buy from nirvana i personally like there selections been buying from them for a while now good rate at which they have sprouted..
i personally recomend there femenized selections worth the extra money


Something you might consider is the heat. Some of the more experienced guys might know better than I, but it doesn't really need to be over 75 degrees for them to germ. it took mine 5 days to germ and after day three I was a little worried as well. I'm on my first grow as well, by the way. However, 5 weeks later, day 2 of flowering, these ladies are thriving. It's hard to learn patience with them on grow one...but it will come. You won't baby them as much. Just water and feed them, play them some crispy tunes for a couple hours a day, and you should have no problem. Just be careful of heat stress and airflow...I made that mistake, so they took about 5 days to rejuve. Just be patient, man. And if they don't germ, that sucks, but shit happens. It's happened to me and lots of others. Anyway, good luck man. And welcome to the team! :weed:


Active Member
Ive had 100% germ rate with all the seeds I've done, so far they've all been bagseeds too
I'm 10 for 10, germ'ed 2 for indoor and the others on my guerrilla grow.

But I use the paper towel method, make sure it's just barely moist, I always wring mine out to get the excess water off, then put a few seeds in the paper towel, fold it up, and I've got this realllly small mason jar I found, I put the papertowel folded up in the jar and make sure the lid is on tight, from there the jar goes onto of my tv to keep some warmth, with a hat over it so no light gets in.


for germing i usally just let the sun do it put them in pots and soil then like a week or 2 later they come up right now ive planted about 20 plants and 19 germ