first grow hydro


New Member
That's some heavy drinking for this stage. A very good sign! I usually get them taking about a gallon every day around the 4-5 week of flower. Maybe they take more cause it's not avialable all the time like in my bubbleponics. Do you have air stones in your res? I have a big ass air pump 600 gph and some big ass Oxy stones Mine are 4" x 2" bricks no need to hold it down they weigh about 1 lb. each and anchor themselves to the bottom of the res.


Well-Known Member
That's some heavy drinking for this stage. A very good sign! I usually get them taking about a gallon every day around the 4-5 week of flower. Maybe they take more cause it's not avialable all the time like in my bubbleponics. Do you have air stones in your res? I have a big ass air pump 600 gph and some big ass Oxy stones Mine are 4" x 2" bricks no need to hold it down they weigh about 1 lb. each and anchor themselves to the bottom of the res.
yes I do have an air stone in the rez , 2" by 4" round , air pump on all day . well other than that I had not went to the room in two days and once again the light was being pushed up again .

this week I have to clone for sex couse I really need to make room for the females to branch out



New Member
Sounds like a plan to me. I'll want to do that when I start too. What do you think will happen if they are all female? When using the SH hydro system my spacing is about the same but in 2 x 3 and not 1x6. Too many females mean making another tube, right? Got to think postivie! Tht ops one on the last pick looks perfect! Textbook!

What size water pump are you using in the 20 gallon res? I have a 185 gph in my system.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan to me. I'll want to do that when I start too. What do you think will happen if they are all female? When using the SH hydro system my spacing is about the same but in 2 x 3 and not 1x6. Too many females mean making another tube, right? Got to think postivie! Tht ops one on the last pick looks perfect! Textbook!

What size water pump are you using in the 20 gallon res? I have a 185 gph in my system.
i have a 185 gph and if there is anything more than 5 or 6 females , i will keep the strongest inside and throw the rest in soil outside


New Member
Don't have that option but I'm sure I'll figure out something. Good I won't have to buy a pump. I have two off those anyway. Does your 400 cover the whole run?


I have the same system. My ladies are freakin huge! I would recommend putting up trellis and posts to keep em from falling off the table... That is.... well.... what happend to me


Well-Known Member
Don't have that option but I'm sure I'll figure out something. Good I won't have to buy a pump. I have two off those anyway. Does your 400 cover the whole run?
I have two 400s hps . but ya you dont need a bigger pump those things dont take long to fill up


Well-Known Member
I have the same system. My ladies are freakin huge! I would recommend putting up trellis and posts to keep em from falling off the table... That is.... well.... what happend to me
what do you mean couse I am having no problem keeping them up , they have pretty strong stems , and do you have pics so I can see your girls


Well-Known Member
well here are pics from 5 mins ago , I toped all the plants after taking the pics , so you'll see them next time . quick question though . I keep on getting alge in my rez , but there is no light entering the rez or the water at that , my ? is what else is cousing this and what the hell can I do to get rid of it



New Member
That one confused me also. In the res you say? It looks like the res would be light proof. If not or you suspect that might be the case somehow it's an easy fix with a role of aluminum tape. Tape up the res top and see it that stops it and if it doesn't wrap the whole res in tape. I also wonder if PVC is light proof. You'd think it would be. Maybe a flush of the res with some H202 or something like Flora Kleen?

You using your homemade cloner for those tops? Remember to label mother and clones.


Well-Known Member
That one confused me also. In the res you say? It looks like the res would be light proof. If not or you suspect that might be the case somehow it's an easy fix with a role of aluminum tape. Tape up the res top and see it that stops it and if it doesn't wrap the whole res in tape. I also wonder if PVC is light proof. You'd think it would be. Maybe a flush of the res with some H202 or something like Flora Kleen?

You using your homemade cloner for those tops? Remember to label mother and clones.
how much h202 and what should I do fill the rez with water add the h2o2 and let it circulate in the system


New Member
I use Flora Kleen. H2o2 is very similar but not as pure. You have a 20 gal res so I would be conservative and go with about 5ml (1 tsp) per gallon or somewhere in the 80-100 ml total. Dump it in the res and run it for a couple of hours before a res change. With the water movement an oxygen molecule will seperate and it will turn from h2o2 to our friend h2o. Then drain it and fill the res as normal.


Well-Known Member
I use Flora Kleen. H2o2 is very similar but not as pure. You have a 20 gal res so I would be conservative and go with about 5ml (1 tsp) per gallon or somewhere in the 80-100 ml total. Dump it in the res and run it for a couple of hours before a res change. With the water movement an oxygen molecule will seperate and it will turn from h2o2 to our friend h2o. Then drain it and fill the res as normal.
thanks dude . I am ordering the flora kleen now after posting this gift for you I hope it helps if you have any ?s just ask , I finished the flowering room today and I am taking clones tomorrow from the lower branches that way it'll give the plants a little breathing room from underneth peace



New Member
Thanks buddy! That explains a lot. Looks like we have the exact same air stone and cloning gel and the pics help with my understanding of the set up. Clones from the bottom have the best success for me also. Those plants look very clonable.


Well-Known Member
Thanks buddy! That explains a lot. Looks like we have the exact same air stone and cloning gel and the pics help with my understanding of the set up. Clones from the bottom have the best success for me also. Those plants look very clonable.
hey I read about flora kleen and it stated that it is for salt build up and for final flush, will it work for algae couse I already orderd it but I wanna make sure I have what I need thanks


New Member
It's primary function is to clear out any negative things that can affect plants which includes killing the algae. There's got a be a light source somewhere getting in to develop algae but I don;t have any idea wher it could be coming from with the res being very similar to the bubbleponics system I use and the high quality net pots. You sure it's algae! Salts are kind of gritty and algae/mold are slimy. Is it just in the res or is it in the tubes also? Algae needs moisture, warmth and light and mold needs moisture, warmth and dark.


Well-Known Member
here are some more pics the y are under 800 w hps right now and they love it greener then ever , , I had to switch things up a little couse of some issues with the rez and the algae. well I have to bleach the rez and the fence posts couse the algae got on my last nerve and it has to be delt with . I ordered the flora kleen but I cant wait for it I have to keep shit movin, let me know what you think, of both the indoor and outdoor one



New Member
Indoor plants look like mine in the SH res. Very lush! That res temp is getting up there. I like to keep mine below 75 but E&F may be different. I use frozen water filled 20oz soda bottles to cool the res if needed. With a 20 gal you could just use a couple of 2 ltrs. Better oxygen uptake ( max uptake at 68-69 degrees) and less root problems at that temp. Have zero experience with plants of this type outside. Those are the tops, right? They look happy!


Well-Known Member
Indoor plants look like mine in the SH res. Very lush! That res temp is getting up there. I like to keep mine below 75 but E&F may be different. I use frozen water filled 20oz soda bottles to cool the res if needed. With a 20 gal you could just use a couple of 2 ltrs. Better oxygen uptake ( max uptake at 68-69 degrees) and less root problems at that temp. Have zero experience with plants of this type outside. Those are the tops, right? They look happy!
thanks thats good ideal with the frozen botteld water . I will do that , even though it is a 20 gallno I onley put 8 - 10 gallons in there so I dont waste nutes but ya those are the tops . I am lsting the shit out of this 1 as you can see , I am hoping it is a female


Well-Known Member
shit speaking about the water temp , I cut the plastic from the stands that hold the 2 posts , that way the rez would be on the cool floor and not on the plastic , I dont know if you can see it in the pic but I wil take it next time and post it