First Grow - Hindu Kush


Active Member
im doing my first grow with Hindu Kush and am reading varying information on the length of time for the various stages, im doing this hydroponically.

ive germinated 15 seeds which all took (i figured the law of averages will mean i only get half of them as females) and yesterday put them in pre-soaked 1" rockwool blocks (the ph of the water i soaked the cubes in was 5.7)

the info i have read on Hindu Kush says 4-6 weeks for seedling growth, vegetative growth until they reach 2.5-3ft high, 1-2 weeks pre-flowering and 6-8 weeks of flowering.

ive searched the FAQ's but theres nothing relating to growth stages for this strain and i didn't want to post in the strain review section where i found a few threads on this particular strain.

i currently have them on 24 hour light and am also wondering when is the best to go to 18/6. i know from reading this forum and other sources that this is always a topic of debate but any info on the light cycle linked to the growth stages would be much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
i know a lot of people that just veg on 24 than also another handful who do 18/6 some say plant needs the night so it can absorb all the nutrients etc... but i too been looking for some info about it in more detail.


Active Member
ok so ive had these going for a week and a half now and have 8 that are coming on nicely.

i transplanted them in small rockwool blocks (1") into larger blocks last friday.

over night the roots have shot out of the bottom of the big blocks, varying in length between 1-3 inches.

i was going to buy feminised seeds but got these of a pal who says he's been using the same mother plant for a while and 75% of the time they turn out female.

i figured it was now time to put the spreader matting into the tank and start the use the pump and water heater but after speaking to someone else today they say i should wait until i know the sex before doing this but surely this is going to take a few weeks and by that time the roots will be really long and won't be getting water / nutrients if they are just sat resting on the top flat section of the tank without water / nutrients running over them.

he say's if i put them on the mats now when its time to sex them i won't be able to remove any males by just pulling them out as some of the roots will stay in and will kill any healthy female plants.

which way should i go ?? :-?


Active Member
right so ive decided to start using the water pump, water heater and spreader mat.

my next question is : i've had the lights on 24 hours for the 10 days the seedlings have been in. am i ok to knock it down to 18/6 now ??

i wasn't sure if i should have done that in the first place. i read somewhere on here that giving them 6 hours of rest is the best option but i didn't have a working timer at the time and im not home at regular hours due to work.

ive now got a decent timer (well one that works) and would now like to change to 18/6, can anyone advise if this will be ok.

anyone ?? please ??...........