First grow/grower. vermont med patient needs help plz

chopped her....but she turned out alright not much yield witch i expected but taste and health was really good at the some clones going and some beans lets see how this one goes .....thanks for the help man much appreciated!!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey bro whats going on. Sounds like patsfan is giving you some solid advice, that's cool! Hey check out the last few pages of my journal if you want to get a glimpse of a little something else that's going on in your state ; !) Not far from the tallest peak hint hint. I just happened across your thread, I'm sure it was the word vt in your name that caught my eye lol. I'm not really mentoring anyone right now so maybe I can help you out a bit and get you going. It was just a few short years ago that I was were you are now. RIU is a great growers community!

Hit me up if you would like and also there is a grow and smoke report that I did below for fem Ice.


what strain clones? nirvanas ice gets real frosty your going to love it. good to hear you got some buds off last grow. you going to do journal for new grow? good luck and if you have any problems let us know.
hey highlander have you run tga gear?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
what strain clones? nirvanas ice gets real frosty your going to love it. good to hear you got some buds off last grow. you going to do journal for new grow? good luck and if you have any problems let us know.
hey highlander have you run tga gear?
I have bro :) I ran a real special Ice cut for a few years that was my favorite. It finally died out but not before I spluffed it with some Caseyband (Casey Jones x Headband) pollen. I'm going to try and recreate it to some degree. Sounds like you have grown it as well? Some of subbys gear that I grew are/were Vortex, Jillybean, Void and Qleaner

Stop by man, there's usually something going on at my thread and everyone is very cool. I grow quite a few different strains and I breed some very fine genetics. I must have pretty close to 20 dif strains going lol

Later : !)


Well-Known Member
sorry I got here late... no one mentioned big bloom is only supplemental nutes, you need tiger bloom. I f you can only have one tiger bloom for sure.
That said, it looked good... idk why you chopped it early.