First grow/grower. vermont med patient needs help plz

This is my first indoor grow. This is also just a practice plant to try different things on it like lst and stuff like that. I have read up on a lot of info over many years so im not a complete newb to everything but a complete newb to actually growing. So info... light is a sun blaze 44-t5, put up a plastic white wall and sealed it completely except for venting. no real vent system tho cause low heat thanks to the t5s. plant is 4 1/2 weeks into flowering(5 to 6 weeks veg). bag seed. nuts-foxfarm big bloom-soil was a pretty plane soil mix my dads uses for starting his garden plants in. But.... i started this plant not in this room and under one 23w cfl...and MG moister control... hate that stuff now.... so i changed dirt two weeks ago and the plant has been in this room for 6 weeks.... kinda cold 3 night ago maybe 62ish...
Here are some pics
Any help would greatly help me out for my real grow with femi ICE seeds in two weeks!!
Thany you!
i moved the plant to about 3 3 1/2 inches...ya i agree over watered with the moister control mostly i believe..ya 12/12...and thanks for responding
kinda thought so too...ya i started nutes late...2 weeks ago....foxfarm big bloom... i just got my license a few weeks ago so im going legit now and am putting time/money nexts plants want be nearly this bad....just did this one for fun/test good seeds will be here in 2 weeks....thanks!!


you buy new beans from nirvana? you should check out hps i would check out htgsupply or nehydro both from ma..only take a few days to get to vt. do you have a fan blowing on that plant? you can pm me if you have any questions.
Thanks for the responses! Ya ordered good beans from nirvana....pretty pumped.....yes have a fan in the room...with my set up now my heat is at 80 easy...worried more and bigger lights would be to much heat
plant is headed south:( might end up losing her not ssure.......if she keeps getting worse should i harvest what i have or is there no point really.... or should i use it for extraction purposes...hope she turns around tho i let the soil dry up nice so maybe a few more days will help..
Pics are coming shortly ... picked up a soil moisture meter and i think im may know the problem now haha....but its hit and miss on the meter....same lvl in the pot but it goes from fine to super wet in small pockets....not sure whats up with that...???thanks for any help again!!


what size pot is it in looks real small? are there holes in bottom of pot? just looks over watered. let it dry out
(8" or like .77 gal i think..)Ya i was starting to think that it was to small.... its just when i transferred it into this bucket the roots seemed to be root-bound.....yes plenty of drain holes and when i water i water enough to have some run off.. but i did not put any rocks or anything on the bottom to help with drainage....I would perfer to not have to up the bucket again but will if it will be worth it. she will be done either way as soon as my beans get here and than it for real.....thanks again!!


yeah for your ice beans you will need atleast 1-2 gal pots the bigger the better. after run off do you empty the tray pot sits in? i never use rocks in pots. you also want to move your thermometer to top of canopy to get better reading. you should do that before you start your ice beans because if your temps to high you will need to fix that. let me know we will get you fixed up.
thanks a lot man your really helping me out...yes i always empty the run off and have checked the ph on it as well....ok all that sounds great.....also i am having an issue with my temps staying at a good 78 to 82 witch i thought was a little high....but im only using a t5 setup so i was hoping i didn't need an exhaust system....Thanks again much appreciated!!!!


do you have a fan at top of your set up blowing warm air out? and a fan at bottom of your set up blowing freash air in? that would help lower temps.
I have an opening top and bottom just no fans. But I need to open the top one more. Need to be around more to care for them:)