First Grow Ever Med OMMP/Strictly Local log


Active Member
This is my first grow, after attaining my OMMP med card I got several strains and started growing im using a 1000 watt MH and i will switch to hps for flowering im using strictly organic local products to grow my medicine. I live in Lane County Oregon the soil is from Lane Forestry Products it's called Supernatural I use Roots Organic nutes for feed also made locally. This is the first time I have ever tried to grow anything outside of a vegi garden, and it's almost as easy here are some pic's any comment would be helpful im sure as i am quite the nube.



Well-Known Member
Hi from portland...

Well if there's any questions you have I've got more than a few years of growing experience under my belt... I'm not a master but I think I do ok.

Your plants look very very good for a beginner. We're used to seeing some pretty jacked up first grows but you seem to be set there.

just for the record I grew up in Eugene and still have lots of family there. Nice place to grow up.
Went to sheldon high back in the 80's and Lane Community College for a year or so before moving up here.


Well-Known Member
They look great! how many and what are you growing? are you flowering yet? can you give us a little more info so we can comment better!


Active Member
Thanks man im amazed to see how fast my first reply has come in. I have had some help but have done allot of reading on the subject as well thanks for the comment.


Active Member
I was told the clones were Great White Shark, Hash Plant, Blue Berry, but the guy I got them from was not quite sure him self so all I really know is im psyched


Active Member
No im not flowering yet im waiting for the plants get bigger im hoping to yield as much as possible I want my first time to be special hehe...


Well-Known Member
Some of your plants are too big already for my tastes even with a 1k hps. But you can just tie them down or bend them over completely over a little time.
If you try to flower super tall plants when those others finally get bigger with just one light like that you really only get a fat nug on top. Nice big fat nug, but if you want a record setting grow the first time out you should start training the tall ones to bend them in half. You will get the best yield bending tall ones over and letting short ones alone and it looks like you are already putting some on crates and stuff to raise them, that's good.


Active Member
They are two to three weeks old I think , I picked all, but three of them out of a pile of plants that were going to be trashed hopefully by my next time around i will have made friends in the OMMP community and will be abel to pick and choose high quality strains


Active Member
Thanks Oregon Med's I will take your advice I can use all the tip's i can get, and i love to learn more,when would you suggest putting them into flowering. Also do you think putting in another 1000 watts would improve my yeild , and by how much aproximatly


Well-Known Member
They are two to three weeks old I think , I picked all, but three of them out of a pile of plants that were going to be trashed hopefully by my next time around i will have made friends in the OMMP community and will be abel to pick and choose high quality strains
Well I wish I could help, but atm I don't have a thing, one c99 left and that is all.

I don't have connections in the OMMP community either. I have nothing....

I'm way worse off than even you are.


Active Member
One last mention I do use water collected from 1008 different holy places along the Ganges River so I guess not all of the operation is local , but I think the plant's really like it...


Active Member
The really big plants are to stiff to bend over. I moved the biggest plant that is growing in what I believe is a 84 quart? rubber maid bin on a chair next to the table with the rest of the plants, it still gets plenty light I think ... I hope. I tied down 3 of the smallest on the table and moved them to the center putting the slightly bigger plants on the outside of them hope this works I will post pics in a minute


Active Member
Several of my plants are stressed yellow and drooping leaves. I was told by a friend that I gave the smaller plants to much nutrients, so I am flushing them with water the rest of the plants are thriving I will post pics soon if anyone reads this please drop some advice thanks T.K.D


Well-Known Member
When you flower your plants will basically double in size within the first few weeks, keep that in mind. You can start em smaller and they will just explode once there in flowering, still giving you a very nice yield.