First Grow Ever! Lemme know how its lookin


Active Member
Grew from a clone that i put outside at the end of may/beginning of june. had it in a 5 gallon bucket up until 3 days ago (found out it was rootbound when i transplanted it) anyways i think its doin good. you tell me ? anything i should do ? maybe trim it up some more???

apppreciate any feedback . thanks!



Active Member
the first pic was takin on the 17th i thinkkkkkk?? and the last two with donkey dicks were takin yesterday (the 23rd). its been really rainy over here. so i havent even had to water it since i transplanted it. and im debating how much/ and when im gonna nute it, if i do. lemme know what you think.

sorry bout the quality took these with my phone. but im about to borrow someones crazy ass camera and take some dank ass pics.


any feedback greatly appreciated



Active Member
i just started flushin her this week, sooo im lookin at early october i guess. lemme know know what yall think.

ihave more pics on my camera but i cant find the cord right now, ill put up a few more soon.

its orange kush btw.



Well-Known Member
are you growing donkey dick? Im thinking o getting some donkey dick x mighty mite and some chocolate chunk seeds for my sea of green set up. I heard DD makes some nice colas and MM has the main cola dominance thing. your plants lookin good too.


Well-Known Member
And please, dont trim off any green leaves. Mother nature put those there for a reason. Georje cervantes says the same thing. Dont cut off healthy leaves. THis girl I know had a fucking beautiful afghani goo plant that I saw when it was just beginning to flower. Big bushy and lush green healthy and all that. I went back over to her house a few weeks later and I couldnt believe she cut every single fan leaf off thinking she was giving more light to the plant. I couldnt fucking believe it. I was so floored I didnt even mention to her that you shouldnt cut fan leaves, I mean she did it to all her plants so the damage was done. I'll let her and her partner figure it out.
So much for that yeild. and potency.


Active Member
naw its orange kush and as far as trimming, i just did that once but nothing too crazy . that first pic in this thread is right after i trimmed. but i do pull off any really dead or yellow leaves whenever i go visit it.

can someone help me figure out when i should harvest, i have some more pics ill post em when i find the cable.