First grow ever: 3 weeks into flowering, NEED COMMENTS!

UPDATE 2: New pictures on the way. I need some good input from you guys! How are the pistils? Trichomes? Big? Small? What can I do to make it better maybe? Thanks!

UPDATE 1: Here are ALL the pictures:

Hey guys, this is my first grow ever. I'm using about 18 CFL's for around 7 plants. They look nice to me but again, i've never grown before so I can't say whats good and whats bad. Any advice? And do you think? Pics below!


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The look pretty good to me.

Before your next grow, paint that cabinet interior a flat white. It will reflect light better.


Well-Known Member
white would be better than tinfoil .Ive never used tinfoil but have read numerous times here, that it cuases hotspots . you could also use mylar emergency blacket ,THeir pretty big and cost about $1 at chinamart. (wallmart)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
White paint would be easy and you wouldnt have to worry about hanging or it falling down.

Do the walls and ceiling.
Yes it'll ahve to be paint, reason behind this is one of the walls is concrete xD Paint it is! it's nice to know I can use mylar if I wanna make a small grow box or something for clones and such ^_^
I have a question though, there are so many damn leaves around my plant that light is not really getting to the middle. Would be okay to remove some leaves? I've been looking at other plants and for some reason my plants have much more leaves than normal.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

I changed my light set up alot. But main goal is to get the side of the spiral facing the leaves.

Also my yield would of been higher if I had put some lights down on the sides of the plant.
Leaves are what produces energy for your plant to grow. Do not remove.

Get light on the sides of plant.
I already have lots of lights on the side, around 8. But when I say there's a lot of foliage, there's a crap ton, I wouldnt wanna remove all of it, but jsut some for som,e light to get through. As buds aren't really growing in the inside of the plant. I've seen some threads saying the removed some foliage and saw a big increase in yield, jsut wondering.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If there are no buds hiding under leaves near the stem, I wouldnt worry about it.

If there is some bud under leaves, tuck leaves under the bud.