First Grow, Cooling 2 600w Hps


Well-Known Member
Ok as of right now i have one 600w hps i have a 500cfm inline fan, temps are good. I want to add another hps cool tube fixture of 600w, my question is is my fan strong enough to cool the plants, my grow space is 2 1/2 feet by 5 feet long and 8 feet high, i was thinking of doing it like this


im 2 weeks into flower, my second question is would another 600w even matter at this point in the grow? if so would it be a huge diffrence?


Well-Known Member
I run two sixes per fan just like you do for a total of four 600's. I have no heat issues or anything. I did makes sure to use the cool tube for killer heat movement! Much better than the typical hoods that catch and hold hot air.


Well-Known Member
ok cool, right now i do have a cool tube 600w hps two weeks into flowering, like i said with the 500 cfm inline fan. I do also have a scrubber on the end of the exhaust....(which is in my attic.) should i put it inside the grow room or does it even matter?


Well-Known Member
The scrubber really is up to you. I do not have one and should since I am six and half weeks flowering! My entire block smells all day and that aint cool...