First Grow - CFL


Well-Known Member
BC it's a beautiful grow !!, i've noted youve been having heat problems, google red neck c02 and on youtube the heat experiment. this bloke got his grow up into the high 40's and still his autos were fine... all due to c02 !



Forgot to take pics.
I did some more LST on the stretchy one. Pulled over the tops that were getting to high. They were forcing me to raise the lights, but that was pulling the lights too far away from the Little Mutant and the other sites on its own branches. So over they go. No problems doing this using short lengths of wire and the mesh. I can just bend the top over and hook the wire in place. Quick and easy. Every wire is the right length and adjustable as needed.

I got to say that I am surprised at how little smell these WW are giving off! Don't get me wrong, that is a good thing; stealth. It's just that I really like it. If I handle the plants at all I get a good whiff of it. I was just expecting them to smell a lot more by this point. It's making me vey curious about the Lemon Kush and how they are going to smell. Too young for that.

I have also made a decision... I'm not going to use any of the pollen on these two. I'll wait. I'm not going to get much pollen. The temperature outside has dropped too much. I have collected a small number of balls, but most are too immature. They just aren't developing fast enough with the temps. If I do get a small amount out of the ones I have collected, I just might use it on one of the Lemon Kush. What the hell. I can do a single branch and see what I get.


40's That is a little crazy!
Although I can see the benefit in a small space and maximum lighting... 500 watts in my 3.75 sqft?? :lol:


Well-Known Member
I just noticed that they are starting to smell a bit. Have to put my nose right beside them to smell it but it is very distinct. So nice to smell. It has been many years since I have been able to smell this.
Damn i am waiting for my plants to start smell :P.( also i'd prefer to smell at late states so my carbon filter won't be used much :D ) . Good job..!!


Well-Known Member
going by the last opics youve maybe got 4 weeks left from when they were taken? yeaaah man the high 40's as well fucking crazy !! looking forward to the pics and regarding the smell, that should all come in good time !


Well-Known Member
From the last pics I'd also say another month to go for some nice full buds.
Try doing the molasses thing, my plants are loving it. They're still tiny, but Hijack and Super bud are starting to smell VERY skunky near the pistils! =)

Keep it up brotha'


Another 4 weeks for sure. What I expect anyway. I will be harvesting with very little amber. I don't won't too much anyway.

I'll have to pickup some molasses and give it a go.



The LST seems to have worked fairly well. I am keeping the Canopy within 4" of the screen. It is also starting to show some success with the number of tops forming. Here is a pic of the whole thing and a couple things for perspective. The trimmers are standard Fiskers.

This is the best cola I have right now. The Little Mutant has two like this which is why I am liking her even though she had a slow start and only has 5 tops compared to the other larger plant. The larger one is only going to be popcorn buds though. It may produce more in the end but it will all be small stuff. That doesn't really matter with this grow since I am just getting the setup working and trying to dial it in for future grows. Everything is working well with the lighting and ventilation (temps 27 Celsius, stable) so I think the whole grow is a success regardless of how much I get in the end.

Colour is nice with no signs of deficiency or nute burn so that is making me very happy.

I am starting to slowly increase the amount of nutes in the water. I feed every day so I keep the concentration low. I don't have a meter so I have no idea what the PPM is. Right now I am using a 10-10-21 so I have to be careful of how much I use.



No pics today, Sorry.
So the WW are starting to build some nice frosting. Trichs are appearing on the buds and the leaves. If this continues like this I will get something decent out of the girls for sure. Makes me very proud of them. :)

LK Update:

They are continueing to grow nicely. New leaves forming. No signs of nute burn. Not even all that much stretch even with the lights farther away than I would like. If they do start to stretch I'll LST them right over and start training early, plus lift the pot up. I don't want to do that though as it would block the side lighting from the 6500K bulbs.

Anyway, all is going well so far. Just a bit boring at the moment. Maybe I'll take a couple more pics in a day or two.


My plants are extremely smelly, my parents came over the other day and I used like 3 bottles of air freshener, lol. I also have the Ona gel in the room with them but it's not enough. Going to have to get a carbon filter on my next run.

Looking good BC, the scrog method sure looks like its working out well for you.


The girls are just starting to really smell. I came home earlier and when I opened the tent I got a good whiff of them this time. That is the first time that I would say it actually smelled. Till today it has been very mild. The good thing is that this does prove that my air scrubber is truly working. I can't smell a thing until I open the tent.

Pics tomorrow of how they are starting to fill out. The buds are starting to have some size.

Thanks for for the compliment. It isn't really a true SCROG but it is working well. I kind of think about it as a very easy LST method. I like it for now. I'm sure I'll change it up later on but these couple grows I think it is going to work really well for me. Next fall I will likely try something different.



So I missed posting yesterday, but no worries I got it now.




Buds are growing and filling in as more frosting is developing all over. Both of the girls are doing very well so far. I'm loving it.

This may not be the best close shot but even with this you can see the trichs developing and spreading.

I'll try and get a couple good shots with the other camera. I should be able to get a nice shot or two.

LK Update:

And the other two girls are slowly coming along. I'm not in any rush with these since they are 12/12fs. They will grow as they please. I will patient with them.



Just for the hell of it...

That looks a little better. Now all I need is to actually get my microscope so I can really get close.


So it looks like the White Widow is starting to show herself. Trichs everywhere!!!

The Little Mutant is really doing well. Each of the 5 tops is becoming a nice cola. I am very happy with her. Compared to the bigger one which is a whole lot of popcorn. It still stretching as well. Definitely some Sativa showing in that one. Of course that may mean the smoke could be a little High as well. :-P

Of ya I also noticed the first signs of finishing with a few pistils that are browning.


Well-Known Member
Looking great! Those buds look like they're gonna fill up real good too!

I'm glad your mutant worked out. Mine shed her pistils and grew some bananas =( It's still alive, by the windowsill, but I think it pollinated the other girls allready... Oh well, mutant seeds I guess? xD


Lots of people talk about "mutant" plants and seeds when they get hermies or the occasional set of bananas on a girl. But it is a natural part of cannabis. They all have the genes to be hermaphrodite. It is the normal state for them. It is a matter of survival for the species. Some strains may go hermie more often than others but it is more likely to be a case of sensitivity or vulnerability to the growing conditions, not a matter of being strongly hermie. The only way to avoid it is to provide your plants with ideal growing conditions every time. That isn't possible of course so you are always going to be at risk.

Pick very strong genes genes and give them really good conditions. That is it.



Everyone is doing well. A little bit of nute burn showing on The Little Mutant so I have backed off the nutes for the last three days and I have started some molasses. We'll see what it does. If nothing else backing off of the nutes should be fine for the moment.

LK Update:

The two little girls are growing nicely, if slowly. I have started LST, right after taking this pic of course. I bent them both right over. I'll let them grow up to the screen then start training them under it towards the middle. Hopefully the WW will be done before the LK grow too big. I will harvest the WW a little early if I have to. I want the LK to have space to grow as needed.



So I was just reading what I had written and it occurred to me that talking about letting the LK grow as needed is a little ridiculous. I have both of them planted in a single 1.5 gallon pot and will be stunting their growth by a massive amount. I'm not going to let them grow at all. Especially with them being 12/12fs. Only thing I'm not doing is topping or FIM.

I take that statement back.