First Grow(Bag Seed)


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and i saw this journal thing and never made anything of it, but i am high at the moment and it is 2:30am so i think its a good time to start and i can stick by the rules because i have kept my own records i just haven't put them on the web. So here i go...

Day 1 (9/9): Germination
I took a seed i found in a bag of weed i smoked it was a nice high and i was instantly inspired with only around 250-300 in my back account max. The seed was places in between a paper towel and side of a clear cup. Slight bit of extra water, bottle water on bottom of cup seed mid way up.

Day 2 -4 (9/10 to 9/12):
The seed sprouted a root of what ever the whit thing is. I transferred the sprouted seed to a small pot of soil(Miracle Grow Flower Soil). I watered the dirt just enough to keep it a a moist level i cheeked by touch. Placed pot is sitting on windowsill. I watered with plant

Day 5 -7 (9/13 to 9/15):
Watering plant around under 50-100 ml daily.


Well-Known Member
Day 8 (9/16): Plant Brakes Ground Surface
Inserted 1 plant food spike in pot. watering about 100ml daily.
(Kinda hard to see, friends camera and i dint figure it out yet.)


Well-Known Member
dont feed till about week 4 , also you only need to water every 3 to 4 days.
what lights are you using.
try not to kill it with kindness?.

try to move the lights closer 2 to 23" away and also get a fan.


Well-Known Member
Day 8 (9/16): Plant Brakes Ground Surface
Inserted 1 plant food spike in pot. watering about 100ml daily.
(Kinda hard to see, friends camera and i dint figure it out yet.)
for better pics try to find the flower symble on the camera.


Well-Known Member
also try to let the soil try dry out a little, seedlings dont like the soil wet.
what light sced you using?.


Well-Known Member
Day 9 (9/17) Lighting:
Daylight + florescent 18 hr a day

Day 10 (9/18):

Day 11 (9/19):

Day 12 (9/20):
Didn't have my camera, used my phone

Day 13-14 (9/21-22):



Well-Known Member
Day 22 (9-30):
Transplanted to bigger pot, same soil (miracle grow). Water 200ml. 18hr florescent lighting.



Well-Known Member
Day 34 (10-12):
I realized that the Lights were too close to the plant and i was forcing it to grow out instead of up. What do i do except move the lights up from now on?



Well-Known Member
This is an excel spreadsheet i made for my nutrients. (if you can understand it, I tried to make it a little less complicated)