First grow, any advice is welcome!


Wonder Woman - Clone 4/10/10 plant goes into the box.

Thanks to a friend I now have my very first plant. I live in a small apartment so I need something small and easy to hide/get out of the way, so I asked a friend and he told me about and gave me inofo about pc grows and other small grow options. I decided to go with a larger box called a wardrobe box from u-haul. The box is large enough to yield a good amount while staying small enough and portable enough to avoid detection. This is my very first time trying to grow so I am sure it will not go as planned but I still hope to end up with some good smoke.

I am just starting out and really have no clue what I am doing, but spend hours a day trolling the web trying to become educated. My wife and I have both used our medical issues to obtain medical cards in hopes of finding a better cure for our issues than what the doctors normally throw at us.

I am trying to decide what to do when we move into our next home, I am unsure weather to go with soil growing, possibly coco based or trying hydro and doing DWC. If anyone knows of the best/easiest setup guides for either I would appreciate it as I am a very visual person a lot of this online written stuff goes over my head (or through it I dunno).

This will be the journal for my very first grow, a stealth(ish) box grow in my apartment, I will include rough prices on things I can remember. I am starting with a U-haul wardrobe box $12 roughly 2X2X4. I painted the inside of the box with Killz primer $6 (prevents mold/mildew i hear) then topped that off with Rust-oleum metalic finish chrome paint $3. The Box comes with a metal bar to hold clothes hangers, but worked perfectly as a support for my light, a 150W HPS security light from Lowe's $30, I also added 4 T5 12" lights just cause they were free. for air movement I added 2 I think 120 mm fans from an old PC, powered by 9V dc power supply's used on my old phones. I used aluminum tape to help create a reflective seal on the door to keep light out and in. Most importantly I have a Wonder Woman clone from a friend, oh and I forgot to mention I made a home-made Co2 generator made of water, sugar, and yeast.

I am running 24 hours light right now. But am VERY close to going 12/12. I have femmed and am useing LST to make the most of my small spot. I have not really done any research on nutrients and dunno what to use really. Semi limited budget and dont wanna waste money on something I am not sure will make a big difference.

Comments are welcome and I am happy to take any advice there is to be offered.



Here are a couple of pictures of the box.

Oh and my only current problem is that I need to find something to cover my fan holes during the night cycle. I can leave them uncovered during day time, but will need something to cover them at night that will keep any room light from disturbing the night cycle while not slowing down airflow so much that it somehow hurts the fans or causes them to burn out.



I was worried about that. I am going to pick up some mylar while I'm out today and take care of that. Thanks.