First grow, AK-48 from seed under 400w HPS.


Well-Known Member
About 2 and a half weeks into flowering now.

Lighting was weird today. Either way, got some decent pictures to share with you guys today.

The tallest girl is 38 and a half inches tall, after being supercropped with moderate vertical reduction success. The rest are very close behind.

Besides the bud sites and bushy growth I wasn't sure what else you folks might like to see so if I left anything you wanted to see out say the word and it shall be done.

Also, my height problem should be quite taken care of, even with the biggest girl over 38 inches I should have about another foot of wiggle room for them to reach into, and worst comes to worse I have been having nothing but success with supercropping these things.

Take care =]




Well-Known Member
Here's a picture I took yesterday, but didn't get around to posting.

I'll post back in a few hours with new pictures when they wake up. =]




Well-Known Member
Got a little treat for you guys :hump:... amature footage of mah girls :P. Uploading it to youtube atm. :P Taking a while. We'll see how it turns out. Just wanted to test it out for future reference.



Well-Known Member
Gonna have to edit in the video later tonight, lost connection while uploading.

Today I fed all 5 of the girls. 2 tbsp/gal Indonesian bat guano (0.5-12-0.2), 1tbsp/gal mexican bat guano (10-2-1), 1/4 dose of organic liquid 2-7-7, and the ritual 1-2 drops per gallon of superthrive.

I bet they start fattening up soon =] I'm hoping to go out and buy molasses tomorrow.

Here are some pics :)




Active Member
You're too kind! :hug: <----- (This hug looks too much like a kiss imho, mega-creeper).

The video was halfheartedly produced, just wanted to see how it turned out for future use. But thanks :) Hope it gives a bit of a nicer view into my garden.
Hmm it looks more like goatse to me, lmao


Well-Known Member
Day 28 of 12/12

Sittin' around waiting for things to fatten up :) Tentative about feeding, but I can tell the girls want some phosphorous. I should maybe go with the recommended 4 tbsp per gallon next feeding. Any suggestions on nutrients at this point are HIGHLY appreciated.

Hope everyone's doing great in the RIU community. bongsmilie :peace:



Well-Known Member
Still day 28 of 12/12

I pulled out the tallest plant (not necessarily the frostiest, it was just the closest to the door for obvious reasons), and got some better pictures for you guys. HPS lights really do fuck up pictures.

The knobby thing is where I bent the stem in my first attempt to supercrop.

