First ever grow, grow journal.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I bet 5 heads are gonna be better than one when it comes to the yield...

Cant wait to see it as well man... and hear the smoke report- it looks special.


Well-Known Member
DirtyShawa: Sounds excellent man dont forget to send a link my way if you set up a journal! It seems so close till my harvest now lol im getting excited!

Toolage: Thanks for stopping by bro! Yeah i hope its a good smoke :) It smells amazing like nothing i've smelt before!

Kulan: Cheers man :) i sure hope so!

OB: Ha i hope so lol im actually nervous about what i will yield, i havent the slightest clue. I reckon if i chopped it now i get about 10/14 grams wet... Argh waiting is beginning to get frustrating haha Im going to thoroughly clean a bong (or perhaps buy a new one so its as clean as possible) and pack it straight with water for my sampling... I cant wait :)!

Stealth Panda: Sorry man :S ermm i dunno why that could be, what browser are you using? Im using photobucket like i have with all my photos on this thread?


Well-Known Member
how many hours of light a day did you veg for and how many are you flowering with?

also are you using a high pressure sodium light?


Well-Known Member
I veged with a 24/0 schedule and flowering in standard 12/12. I was using a High Pressure Sodium light how ever it was hard to control temps and my babies got burnt so i was forced to remove it for this grow. I am now using one massive 200w Red spectrum CFL lol Its and envirolite and seems to be doing the job just fine :)


Well-Known Member
Things look grest MAN we just started growing soil not to long ago and now im going to b looking through your thread for giudance! Cheers I bet you cant wait to taste much longer now?


Well-Known Member
will do gigglep. i have a question for you, when you purchased your seeds did ghs have that hermie free guarantee then? and what do you think about those colored seeds? i like the root stimulator and the fact that you can order seeds individually.


Active Member
already pimpin. 3rd post but 1st thread subscribed to. started my first a couple days ago and have gained so much from reading through this log. hopefully its enough. ;) but its nice to know a first time grower can come across so many problems and still produce those beauties. anyway thanks for all the info and knowhow, its helped alot. hope everything stays good on your holidays. gl bud


Well-Known Member
Catmandoob: Cheers :) hope it helps you in some way lol erm its about 5/6 weeks until harvest :)

Dirtyshawa: Well i didnt buy the seeds directly from greenhouse, i bought them from They are greenhouse arjan strawberry haze though. Not sure if it had the hermie free guarantee with my order, had never heard of it until you mentioned it? Hang on wtf i just looked at the site lol. Im intrigued by those coloured seeds ?! Sounds excellent, id go for it man cant really go wrong can ya. I wish theyd done this a while ago i would have ordered like two strawb some white widdow etc like a pick a mix.

guyfromtexas: Cheers for the kind words! Really appreciate it. My plants have been through hell i wouldnt have gotten this far without this website and the people on it! Good luck with your grow man! Send us a link if you start a journal !

StealthPanda: Ah right fair enough lol how and why would anyone hack photobucket lol


Well-Known Member
Quick update: Today is Day 90 day 38 flowering.

No photos today, im busy with loads of piss ups all weekend including last night today tomorrow and sat. So i probably wont be able to get an update in. However this should be good as you'll see more of a difference. The girls are looking and smelling wonderful today. I watered them again with Canna Boost, PK 13/14 and a teaspoon of black strap molasses. Hopefully they'll fatten out soon :) The lower buds on the branches are expanding daily i love it.

Hava good weekend guys/ gals! I should still be on here every now and again but not as much as usual!



Active Member
yea i started one, but wont have a camera for a sec so its not that cool but check it out if you want. man after reading through all 64 pages of this grow i want to see those buds =) this patience thing is going to kill me =) ltr bud


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate! In a bit of a rush now so i'll have to check it later. The buds have filled out noticeably since yesterday alone :) Hopefully its the addition of the molasses i gave them yesterday. Catch ya later!


Well-Known Member
Toolage: Cheers man, hope you hava good time at the wedding!

Cheetah: haha i cant mate sorry i should be able to photograph tomorrow! Hava good weekend!


Well-Known Member
So sorry guys im so busy at the moment i tried to take some photos then and the bloody batteries died on me AGAIN. So i'll try get some later but cant promise anything.

However quick update: The girls are smelling more and more like strawberries everyday. Im amazed by this, i mean how the hell do you get one plant to naturally recreate an odor of another?! Anyway it smells wonderful and the molasses are doing an excellent job, whether its a coincidence i dont know but the buds are really expanding daily now, i hope when i take my next batch of photos i'll be able to show you this well. The crystals are coating everywhere and when i use the microscope its almost identical to the stock image they have on :

Janes main bud is beginning to fill out well along the stem so i imagine its going to be a decent cola when its done. I hope so anyway :)

Hava great weekend guys! Should be back on track on Monday. Then Friday will be my last post before i go on holiday.... Cant believe how fast things are going these days!

