First ever grow burt tips curled leaves.... heat stress nute burn? size?


Well-Known Member
ive tried reading alot of info but i still needs some help..
3 cfl's 1 foot off plants 6500k 1600 lummens. 1 cfl 6500 1600 lummens in the light socket on the ceiling.
i dont have much to work with, its in a laundry room. i've got tinfoil on the room doors etc. room is white.
plants are about 2 weeks old.

from what i've gathered is over watering, so that would come with nute burn?

aswell are the plants stocks to thin for the size of the plant? i would have thought the stocks would be thicker by now...
sorry for the shitty pics

ps i have a promlem with symphilids thats why i have the stickies, ive been using tobacco juice. ive been trying to find a fungus knat killer but i cant find one anywhere, i've limited to homedepot canadian tire walmart, i have a few hydro stores around but with the holidays they all have been closed.... anyone have any alternatives till they open up???

this plant i hvae no clue what happened its like the runt.. its only a few inches tall and the growth is extrmemly slow... the little guy off the the side, wasn't growing in the previous pot after germination so i figured i would try it in the bigger pot when i transplanted and it started to grow,



Get that tin foil off the walls mate, will give you all sorts of problems. Use some Mylar or black and white sheeting.


How does tinfoil cause problems? I doubt this grow has any hotspots.
Lol, how do you know it won't have hot spots? Why take the risk? You need light reflection not heat.

Edit. Oh i see you're using cfl's, are you going to change to HPS for flowering?


Well-Known Member
Tip burn was not there previously. So far I won't be switching to hps. I have cfls at 3200k. I will look into the hps. I'm renting a basement suite and am concerned about energy consumption and the owners asking questions.

Any comments on size of the stock for age? Any thoughts on the curling and the tip burn? Alternatives to kill fungus knats? I'm using tobacco juice, but it only seems to slow them down and not completly kill them


If that tip burn as only come since you re potted, maybe your mix is a little hot for the little one?! I grow in hydroponics, so maybe you be better off waiting for someone with more experience than me to give you some advice. Hope it all works out for you.


Well-Known Member
I've slowed down the nutes and watering. Hoping that works. I thought it could be heat stress but since I've been reading more and more I don't think that cfls could burn them. I'm gonna put more soil around the base of the stock and add a fan.
Im sorta learning as I go....


Well-Known Member
I guess I should add that. When the plants get a little healthier and the pest problem goes away ill remix the soil with perlite


New Member
What soil and nutes are you using? The stretch is from light being to far away, cfls can be close enough to almost touch the plants. For the gnats, put a 1-2" thick layer of fine, clean playground sand on the top of the soil. Good luck and click the link on my sig...great info there.


Well-Known Member
I'm out with family right now I'll get the name of the soil a little later, the nutes are Schultz 10-15-10 The white crud came when the soil compressed as I watered it.


New Member
I don't see any perlite mixed in your soil to help Air and drainage.
Agreed perlite is a pretty much required additive for soil grows. Also the nute you have is a decent flowering nute. For vegging N needs to be a higher and P needs a bit lower. Unless your ambient room temp is over 84 you are not getting heat stress with cfls. You should get some perlite and mix a new soil. An transplant will slow her down, but the aeraition you will get will help her feed better and retain moisture, she'll be a lot happier.


Well-Known Member
I also have a miracle grow 12-4-8.
So that would be much better for nutes and ony feed nutes 1 time a week? Get perlite mix in a bunch. Get sand and cover top layer 2 inches.
I believe the symphilids are in Larva stage. They are tiny white worm like bugs. Less than a mm long. They come up when watered and only stay at the base.
And I'll keep the cfls as close as possible.


Well-Known Member
Bugs, bugs and more bugs in your soil. Hmmm. I'm not sure if you want to do this. But, this is what I would do since she is still small.. call me crazy, disagree with me..but, you got bugs in your soil.
Re-pot your plant. Rinse off the soil off the roots.( Will stress the hell out of her)
Before re- potting-Buy new soil or NUKE (Microwave) your soil before using. Kill them bugs!
Transplant and wait for her to recover.


New Member
The MG nute will work for vegging. I suggest starting at 1/4 dose, water, water, feed, 1/4 dose, water, water feed, 1/2 dose...and so on until she reaches full dose or you switch to flowering. Whichever occurs first. Good Luck with them critters!