First DWC grow with good lights.


I put the two flowering clones up on what is almost a vertical grow minus the vertical light. They were unsupported so I took some clean metal fencing I had and secured it to the buckets. Then I popped the plants in. Since they were already growing sideways it was pretty easy to just layer the branches through the mesh. They might get more light if it was vertical but with the way these plants grew feel like this gives equal distribution top the top "side" and the bottom "side". The bottoms are just pulled farther out into the center into the most intese spot under the light. The tops are getting soaked in light from above still as they are in a very small area. All in all I think they will do pretty well. I'll get some pics up once they wake up.


Good flowers in the making. The red pics are the jillybean after a couple weeks of flower. The blue pic is my ladies. I knew I had the 5 femi kush but have been crossing my fingers on the dq. So far 3 out of the 4 have lady bits. Yay. I put in an hour after work swapping out a couple buckets a day then giving the flowering ladies some love. Easy really. I can't wait to see those clones finish.



Wow these jillybean ladies drank damn near 2 gallons and ate 600 ppm of Tiger bloom over night. They got the munchies. Sorry for the yellow. I shoot through my grow shades but the camera still likes the yellow.



Man.. These ladies are getting large. They are out to the edges of the tent now and have easily 2-3 feet of gorgeous white roots. Also every Dairy Queen seed I got was female. You win this round TGA.



First DWC run of jillybean is going well. I also switched my tent of other ladies to flower a couple days ago. They seem happy about it. Also I started using small amounts of hydrogen peroxide as the jillybeans roots started to get a slight aroma. I assume it's because a little light is getting to the roots. No biggie though the peroxide fixed the odor overnight. I am now also using it with my other ladies too just as a preventative measure. As well as added oxygen to the roots. It's a no lose so why not eh?



Well-Known Member
Just looked through this again. Nice work!

I gave up on Dairy Queen, my pheno was too scraggly. Might try it again after seeing yours!


It's worth it. I scored 2 very fast growing females from a 5 pack that was $45. I lost one, one was male and the other died of vaginitis. Even if I had just gotten the 1 big female it was worth it.