First dry/cure question. need opinions.

Okay i hate asking questions but basically i wanted some input if my buds were too wet? theyve been curing for a week will be two weeks this friday they are really sticky and you cant break them down very finely. also the stem snaps but not into two, like a fiber break/fold. i know its hard to judge without having them in person but id just like some opinions on if maybe i need to hang them up for a few more hours or just keep on curing.

ive read the guides a ton and ive read threads and agree with the people who say snapping in two is too dry, but i also dont want too wet.



Well-Known Member
To me, they are not dry enough and the problem is that once in jars you could develop mould. Another thing I saw is that once in jar and when not dry properly, curing is more difficult and often not happening because of the excess of moisture, opening the jar helps but it's not the same.
to red it had about 10k lumens on it between cfls and hps, and i havent seen any signs of mold i think ill just burp them a little extra like dark said but thanks for the replies everybody.