First Closet Grow <:BlUeBeRrY:>


Active Member
Ok so, my grow room seemed to be a litttttle too hot since there was no fan or ventilation! I knew i just needed to fix that before they sprout. So this seemed like a farfetched idea yet it seems to work perfect. In my grow room the a/c duct happens to be in there as well. I figured i could just cut a hole and anytime my a/c or just the fan is running it pumps cold air right in!!

Any thoughts on this? Pros/Cons?



Well-Known Member
That sounds cool, if it is working to cool the room down, but if you want some nice healthy thick stems, that can support the bud you must have an oscalating, also with a nice strong light like you have a fan is need to blow between the light and the fan and to help to combat mold.


Active Member
after germination and i transplant my next 5 into their jiffy pots do i keep the water constantly wet until sprout or do i water 2-4 days like normal?


Well-Known Member
Hey Im sorry to hear your first set of seeds didn't make it :( That happened to me when i first attempted to start a new grow about a month ago, I think because I didn't store my seeds well. I'm sure these will do fine. Yeah water is constantly wet. And i also keep my peat pots and content nice and moist. I have been watering mine once or even twice a day.


Well-Known Member
Keep the soil wet/moist until they sprout out of the pot. They will take like 1 - 3 days. Be patient man. Check in the morning, check at night. Thats it. Let nature take its course!!

Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
it's so hard to only look twice a day come on! I was checking mine like every hour until I decided the watched seed never sprouts and left them alone a bit. Then all the sudden today they just started growing so fast! I love that :)


Active Member
aawsome day 3 for the left over 2 is tomorrow so ill take pics and update and also tommorrow is day 3 of germ. ill check on those

thanks for he help!


Active Member
so nothin still in the 2 left over, looks like i burnt the seed that first day i planted and the light was too close : ( but my 4 other seeds, today is their 3rd day since i began the paper towel germ. and i didnt take them out of the towel but i dont see any root, they might have cracked but i dont want to contaminate them so ill give em another day to germ. my first 5 seeds i BURNED!! dur what a tard. These are my last 5 so i cant mess up now


Well-Known Member
For my, germing hard too, i messed up like 3 bags of seeds my first grow, but now i just throw in those soil, not plant deep, make it very shallow but under the dirt, then i water like every two days letting the soil become partially dry, by about the 3-4 day have sprouts... Did it with my bagseed got 18/18 popped and did it with my hybrid got 15/13, because you have to be really careful with the watering cause the seed float and you dont want it above the soil or to deep. Popped another 2 in with %100 sucess.. Germing to hard to many thing can go wrong, it has no other purpose but to tell you if a seed is dead or not, i'd rather be patient and throw in the dirt.


Active Member
OK so after checkin the germ 2 had cracked and had small root showing, 2 were just cracked. i planted all 4. I FOUND 2 more seeds that i forgot about and planted em with out germ. we'll see the results hopfully ill have some new borns b4 the weekend is over.

Next update: when sprouted.

for everyone whos been helping, dont give up on me yet! this is round 2

LeTs GrOw SoMe DaNk!!~


Well-Known Member
Lol, just be careful when watering, and make sure you allow the soil to get partially dry before 2nd watering and you will be golden!!

Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
I don't see why not to have the HPS and water heater in the same room... If anyone has a specfic reason for it not to, PLEASE let me know!!! The heater doest really produce much heat, and you cant see if but the a/c duct is in the other corner so as long as my a/c is pumping the whole time it keeps it cool. Also for fresh air i've got a small fan i'm going to put in there. For the water... i live in an apartmet so i'm just letting the water sit for 24 hours before using it.

Once the seeds are fully germinated and put in the jiffy pots, do i start the 24 hr lighting cycle?? or wait till the sprout?
Looks like you're really going to do this right! Way to go.

Looking through it, I had a couple of reactions - first, I'd be worried about what would happen if your water heater broke, and you needed to call a repairman. I'm more of an "in the closet" guy myself.

Second, you don't need to do a 24-0 light cycle - your girls need time to rest, and you're just wasting energy if you do more than 16 hours per day.

Finally, you can have the Ocean Forest from Fox Farms shipped to you. As they say, don't treat your soil like dirt!

And that bud picture on the first page - is that something you grew? Looks great!


Active Member
K so right now its half way through day 4 since the seeds have been planted. Turns out the two that were not put through germination sprouted first, along with one other girl. The other three have yet to sprout. Here are the 3 sprouted ones.

How big should they be before i transplant them to their 3 gallon pots? Also today they are starting their 16/8 lighting schedule.


Well-Known Member
Yea, i love ole fashion, throw em in the dirt and let em grow!! You got some time about 6in tall, will this be the last transplant? May i ask why 16/8 and not 18/6 or 24/0?



Active Member
I've had alot of people say that over 16 hours during vegetation is pointless and a waste of energy. Yes this will be the last transplant. Do i start my watering schedule for every 2-3 days or do i keep em constantly moist??? don't want to kill em now!!


Well-Known Member
Moisten the soil every couple of days or when the top 1" is dry. The worst thing you can do right now is water too much. If you water a little on the light side then you will be safe. Atleast for the first week. This is the most crusal point. Looks good so far.
