:: First CFL Grow Here Goes ::


Active Member
Hey Yall!! So This is my 1st Attempt at a CFL Grow or Any Grow at all for that Matter!! Im Using My Bedroom Wardrobe/Cabinet... Iv Set up the Germ/Seedling Room so Far On The Right Side but The Left side isnt big enough to fit my Envirolite + Hanger so im screwed once the plant outgrows the Germ/Seedling Room, ill have to get a new Wardrobe or something.. But Anyhow im 2 Days in, The Seed is in a Peat Pot Using JAB John Innes Soil Based Compost Seed Stage + Perlite + Vermiculite and Small Touch of Sand at Bottom For Drainage, and a Small Touch of Cinnamon to Stop Any Mold Infections Should They Break Out.. Using 3 Daylight CFL's Held in Place via Plastic Bottles, Tin Foil as Reflective Material and just Sealing up the Cabinet Door with Masking Tape and a towel Laid Over The Door to Stop Light Esacping/Getting Through.. This is a Budget Grow But I Think Its Effective, i Havnt Got my Temp Gauge or Fan Yet But its a Steady 20c+ in there i wreckon, im opening the door a couple times a day to Refresh The Air. About The Skunk im Growing Well i dont Know what its Called, Might be Some Super Skunk Smells Very Fruity But i brought £20 worth the other week From a Dealer and Luckilly found a seed Like u do, Put it in a Pot and it poped within 2 days!! its looking healthy to so Fingures Crossed!! Iv Taken a Picture of The Skunk The Seed Came From to Giv u an idea of what the Finished Product May Look Like!! ... Anyhow i'll Keep u Updated as The Grow Progresses with Pics Ect Here is The First 2 Days Of 18-6 Light/Dark... Any Help/Feedback Greaty Appriciated Many Regards and Happy Toking!! :leaf:

The Skunk The Seed Came From.jpg

The Germ+Seedling Room.jpg

Inside The Seedling Room 3 Daylight CFL's.jpg

Door Open Seedling Room 3 Daylight CFL's.jpg

Day1 After First 18-6.jpg

Day1 After First 18-6 #2.jpg

Day1 After First 18-6 #3.jpg

Day1 After First 18-6 #4.jpg

Day1 After First 18-6 #5.jpg

Day2 18-6.jpg

Day2 18-6 #2.jpg

Day2 18-6 #3.jpg

Day2 18-6 #4.jpg

grow space

Well-Known Member
yo man-real hardcore ghetto setup you got going on bro.i really like your bottle holder light idea man-fucking simple and briliant.props 4 you.
a few tips man-dont use that stupid ass tin-foil-it absorbes so much light than reflects.use whit plastic sheets or mylar.simplest and easyest way is just to paint your grow room plain white-works as great as mylar.whatt wattages are those cfls-looks really low-get some more lights-6 will be good- 8-10 is even better.

keep up the good work man.


Active Member
yo man-real hardcore ghetto setup you got going on bro.i really like your bottle holder light idea man-fucking simple and briliant.props 4 you.
a few tips man-dont use that stupid ass tin-foil-it absorbes so much light than reflects.use whit plastic sheets or mylar.simplest and easyest way is just to paint your grow room plain white-works as great as mylar.whatt wattages are those cfls-looks really low-get some more lights-6 will be good- 8-10 is even better.

keep up the good work man.

yo yo thanks for the feedback bro!!! :hug:... thanks for the advice about the tin foil ill scrap it and get some white paint today!! the CFL's are about 20 somethin watt Daylight Spectrum they are pretty bright but ill take ur advice and add 2 more in there to make it 5! should be sweet enuf for now.. Thanks alot More Feedback Welcome Guys this is my First Grow Cheers!! :leaf: