First attempt at a decent grow


Well-Known Member
Oh and I'm doing around 14 10. To keep it as close to how it is here. That should be ok right? I just dont want to do 18 6 then lose 4 hours when they go in the ground. As long as it's not 12 12 they shouldn't bud? What do you think?


Well-Known Member
I would veg on 18/6. They really don't mind the cut down on light as long as they aren't dropping to below 14 hrs.


Well-Known Member
Oh ok cool. Thanks. I'll do that. I wanted to do longer lighting but didnt want to jeopardize anything. Yay! More lighting :)


Well-Known Member
Girls look good. No pics yet waiting to see a little more growth before I post new ones. Weather still sucks so both still inside. Have an 18 inch t8 dual bulb on the side now. Leaves are thickening. Didnt see them yesterday. Came home today and they look good.


Well-Known Member
IMAG0526.jpgIMAG0536.jpg Hey thanks sin. Still only two sets of leaves. Just came back home today. Mom sprayed the top soil. Havent watered since transplant which was about 4 days ago. They look good to me. So I figure dont fix it if its not broken. One seedling is growing kinda sideways. I think it might be because the t8 on the side so I rotated the plant. First two were yesterday. These are from today IMAG0551.jpg[ATTACHCONFIG]2091of832[/ATTACH] IMAG0555.jpgIMAG0553.jpgIMAG0554.jpg


Well-Known Member
I read someone, say not to grow two plants because of root tangling. Will my 3 be ok in the same plot? Or should I build a barrier?


Well-Known Member
I've had 2 plants in 1 pot without problems...... they were the same strain and didn't seem to mind...... they were only slightly smaller than the others....... :)


Well-Known Member
Bought two dual light sockets. Now I have 4 23 watters. 2700 but hey, not a stickler at the moment. Doing with what I have. Gotta go to town over to return my 45 that burnt out. So maybe by next week I'll have 2 45 and 2 23. The 45 will be 6500.


Well-Known Member
Fed them yesterday with a little verde. I figured a little earlier than I wanted but fuck it. Lol. Left yesterday and just got home. They seem like they loved it! Look green and very healthy. Starting to grow branches. I might lower the plants so they stretch a little. Topping maybe? I want them to get somewhat large but not too large as I only have 4 bulbs, and I have a month or so before I can put them outside. Any tips?