fire ant at grow spot.


Active Member
i found some sick grow spots today, but i found a big fire ant mound at a good one. should i bomb them out or is that bad karma?


Well-Known Member
Bad Karma. I doubt you would even be successful destroying them off for good without really poisoning the land you will be gardening on.. those fkers can burrow many ft below the surface. I if you attempt to kill them I hope you slip & hit your head instantly knocking you unconscious & allowing the ants to go to work.


Active Member
i do even think its a good to fuck with em or the nest. just read they are defensive like hornets, and trying to use chemicals will just split the nest into 2 colonies.


Well-Known Member
or while trying to use chemicals you will slip & fall, instantly knocking yourself out allowing the ants togo to work. bring a camera because I love to watch


Well-Known Member
bad karma. I doubt you would even be successful destroying them off for good without really poisoning the land you will be gardening on.. Those fkers can burrow many ft below the surface. I if you attempt to kill them i hope you slip & hit your head instantly knocking you unconscious & allowing the ants to go to work.
kill them fuckers......


Active Member
I live in the southeast fire ants are a big problem here but a cup or two if it's a bigger mound of gas will kill the hole mound just pour on the top and it will kill them as they try to come out.
You can get rid of them without chemicals. Get a bag of diatomicious earth -- you can get this from any pool supply store -- and scatter that shit all around the mount for a good four or five feet out.