Finding the all elusive cheese.


New Member
Thanks for the heads up. I will let them know.

I am really no expert at all with breeding, I just grow in the main but have picked up a few fundamental basics, simply through mixing with people far more knowledgeable than me.

What I picked up mainly from that post was:

F1 hybrid – is the first generation of a cross between any two unrelated seed lines in the creation of a hybrid. F1 hybrids can be uniform or variable depending on the parent stock used.

F2 hybrid – is the offspring of a cross between two F1 plants.

So, to sum that bit up, when you see the description of a strain by the breeders themselves, that is descibing the f1 plant. The further away from the f1 you go then the further away from the description you are likely to get.

If you want far heavier information about genetics, read Mendels stuff I think they have updated it with synthetic principles too

This chart originated from there:



Active Member
Yeah I think I'm about where you are with understanding the intricacies of breeding. But I think my confusion is that in most other areas of breeding an F2 (and like shown in the chart with the lines connecting two of the F1s to a P1) has a strict meaning: it's the term for the result of back breeding an F1 to a P1 father or mother to retain homozygous traits (true breeding). With cannabis breeding it seems the definition of what an F2 is isn't really defined - it's just used to describe the offspring of *any* F1 hybrid being bred with *any* F1 hybrid - no back crossing to a P1 or even to a brother/sister required in order to say the result is an F2 hybrid.


New Member
At this stage of my life I really need to progress and understand all of this far more than I do. You are correct when you say we seem to be about the same place. There is also S.V. Synthetic varieties to confuse things even more. I have sat down and had it explained to me in the past, even by some breeders themselves but most of it just went over my head and I admit there are people who's word I have just learned to accept. (Not something I do with many things so I probably should not here either) :-)

where is bricktop when you need him? :-D

days to daze

Active Member
ok im stoned and confused ...

I was under the impression that F1 seeds were stable seeds after crossing and backcrossing the parents..

I figured the more you backcrossed etc the more stable and uniform the seeds will be..
I know f2 arnt as stable but now i dont understand why... i thought a new strain was introduced to get f2 seeds....

days to daze

Active Member
Wow this is screwing with my head, i need to get hold of the orginal skunk and go from there...

could anyone link me or share some knowledge on the f1 f2 seed thing. all i know is f1 is better but im not 100 percent on why.