finding myself reaching for my bong a bit to much


Active Member
i'm pretty addicted to marijuana
like i went on vaccation w/ my dad like 3 weeks ago for a weekend. Striper fishing at lake cumberland in kentucky.. The whole weekend i had no appetitie i barely ate anything, i threw up sat night. Was pretty much miserable and really moody on top of it. As soon as i got back home sunday night sparked up a bowl and i was fine, running around w/ my dog and shit. Came inside and ate.
so i think it's totally possible to be addicted to marijuana
i hear ya.. i get so grumpy that my husband cant stand me.. and of course, i always blame my hormones... the bottom line is.. we like to be high.. escaping from reality?? making things easier for the brain? or just enjoying the feeling of a heavy head...
when you find yourself smoking the resin in your pipe/bong you have problems.. it sucks:joint: BUT DAMN I LOVE IT!


Well-Known Member
i like to think im pretty balanced and smart about the way i smoke. wait, can you be "smart" about smoking or the way you smoke it? anyways, i dont always have to be high, i dont smoke if i know i have to go to work, or see my parents for anything, they know i do it, but theyre my parents ya know, i got respect. I do it in a controlled environment, and i dont really go off driving anywhere til i come down. I dont smoke my resin, and i buy in small amounts, and they last me long enough. If i dont have any, i dont find myself getting antsy for it. So i dont quite think im addicted.


Well-Known Member
yah i always set aside a nice doobie for myself after homework. but when im studying 3-5 hours and write a research paper (wich completly sucks) i always make up and excuse to go get high. i know im not physically addicted, i just like to get high and it helps me relax. i just need to quit being so lazy and just get my shit done then go get high after a good day.


Active Member
then you know exactly where you are... if you have respect for others about when to smoke or not and you are responsible in your life / work / studies / road, then its all good.. I've been smoking for the past 10 years and I now i can say I enjoy smoking.. no guiltiness, or worries.... but it wasn't always like that, let me tel you that much.. i kinda learned from my mistakes...
if weed is holding you back.. you know what to do "or what not to do" ... it always your choice.


Active Member
yah i always set aside a nice doobie for myself after homework. but when im studying 3-5 hours and write a research paper (wich completly sucks) i always make up and excuse to go get high. i know im not physically addicted, i just like to get high and it helps me relax. i just need to quit being so lazy and just get my shit done then go get high after a good day.

omg... same story... don't you like to write while you high?
how many times i just fell asleep lol.... find a strain that gives you energy... ask the boys around...


Well-Known Member
yes, certain strains can give you an energetic high, as opposed to a couch potatoe high. check around, thats the difference between a sativa and an indica.


Well-Known Member
yea i know what ur talkin about hotnsexymilf its not easy for people to understand what ur talkin about until they actually are addicted. Ive been smokin for a few years now and i can totally see the progreesion of my addiction, which btw is defnitly a mental thing. my freshman year of college went great, smoked about 5 grams a week and my grades were pretty good. but last year i had a shitty roomate and a lot of other bullshit in my life so i started smokin a lot more and went a lot easier on the homework. second semester last year i blazed every day and skipped a decent amount of classes and ended up gettin a .9 gpa....yea thats right a .9 gpa for 17 credits. thats sucks bad. i had to promise my parents and shit that id work much harder this semester and get a 3.0 gpa. well this year, my third year, ive been blazin all day every day and got 3 warning grades and now my moms threatening to withdraw me from the school and i'll end up workin at fuckin stop and shop. marijuana addiction is totally a mental thing but when u have a lot of shit happening in ur life it really is hard not to roll up that next blunt


Well-Known Member
hey everyone...this is a good thread. addiction - it might be psychological, physical, emotional, whatever - whether its pot, alcohol, oxycotin, masturbating, twinkies - whatever it might involve - it is totally destructive in so many ways - and definately not obvious at first, and possibly not even for some time. I have fought my entire life (you don't want to know how old I am) with bouts of addiction - the old saying "everything in moderation" I think actually fits pretty well. though for MM users, the motivation may be quite different, and that I am not familiar with. But in the end, too much of anything is not all that healthy, emotionally, physically, spiritually. I'm don't mean to sound like I have the answer, I guess I trying to say that I know what it does to me. Most recently I found myself in a VERY toxic relationship that almost killed me and had the potential to real negatively impact the lives around me and my abuse and addiction was not really who I was but the circumstances I was in - I was labeled a lazy drunk....and for those that know me well - there is nothing further from the truth - but at that moment and in those circumstances, I resembled a lazy drunk. Toxic situations, can lead to toxic results. Take care and godspeed - find your path and recognize the value that it brings into your life - be true to yourself - thats what really matters - and then try to follow that path - small infrequent deviations do not matter - the long term is what matters.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm clean for my urinalysis, no pot, no alcohol, none of it. For six months.
It's very hard, because I was using pot as a crutch for dealing with my own little situation, it's harder because they're still indulging in their crutches and I have to deal with them drunk while I'm sober now. It's so much easier not to fight with my parent when their drunk if I'm high.
It's really opened my eyes to how bad things have gotten. I'm seriously thinking that my parent might be an alcoholic...

Maybe I never would have noticed if I hadn't stopped smoking.