Finally took the plunge, 6 new clones for first grow XD


So I decided i'd start my first grow with purple kush. im experimenting a lot with this grow, as ill explain in the posts and days to come :) heres some pics of the training and leaf health for everyone to judge ;)


So i've LST'd three kush clones, and they'll all be split up to three different grows. two shall be in ground, fertilized and watered next to my corn stalks. the next two will be in 5gal pots, and finally a grow box with cfl's will grow the final two clones. heres some pics of the grow box being set up:


so I've brought them indoors to protect them from the California valley wind ><

have some high res pics of what looks like a little bit of curling. I've added only water, twice, since receiving them


hmm plants have quite a few new leaves sprouting out of god knows where haha. have two in seperate closets in my house, entrusted the two in that grow box to a good friend, it's now coated with mylar, (pics to come) and not enough lights i feel :/

At least i feel good about the wiring, power, and ventilation, those cpu fans blow 85cfm boys ;)

Good night everybody, i'd post more pictures but I'm lit on white wid so forgive me ;)


a little over a week into flowering below a 100w metal halide and three 23W cfl's

the first pic is from two weeks before flower, to show difference in sizes



Well-Known Member
Plants in the red solo cups are rootbound and ready to be transplanted. And God,
why don't you stake up those gals falling over?



red solo cups were transplanted a month and a half ago, and which gals seem to be falling? the only ones that are leaning are trained.

I will add some large 2700k CFL's to the mix in the upcoming days and weeks, the one plant in my cab should eat it up XD

Also, have two new cuttings! just placed them in rockwool with some clonex and have my fingers crossed ^^


Some new lights! went to home depot and picked up 2 68W 2700k CFL's. so in my closet there is currently: 1x 100w metal halide, 2x 23w 6500k cfl, 2x 68w 2700k cfl's. hopefully this satisfies some, but personally i see myself adding two or three more of the 68 watters

heres a few pics of the new setup (temporary, as are all my setups until these plants finish, and then ill have a new hps to flower under ^^)



So guys, i've noticed that the fan leaves all attach with purple stems but the stems themselves and new growth is all bright green. is this just the purple kush pheno coming out? i cant say they've been particularly cold!


Today I went out to procure some nutrients for my baby. i got some beastie bloomz, ff big bloom, and molasses. plants are responding well, huge amount of trichomes on the trained plant. its flowers are completely coated in large fat crystals :D


so from flowering in july 10 my plant is the exact same size as it was a month ago lol. its stem rises 5" from the soil and immediately splits into two that go to each side of the pot and are trained down. from those two stems each 6-8" branch has begun flowering, and at this point i believe there are about 16 colas about an inch long and 1 1/2" in diameter. each cola has 1-3 fan leaves below it with small flowers there as well, and i'm hoping the flowers connect up the stems to create long solid colas. we shall see! pics coming soon ^^IMG_0756[1].jpgIMG_0750[1].jpgIMG_0755[1].jpgIMG_0757[1].jpgIMG_0758[1].jpg


Haha not that this thread gets much attention but this is mostly for me to look back on and experiment with my new grows.

flowering day 32:
buds have become coated in resin, calyxes doubled in size, some buds stretch from node to node up a stem.

Earth Juice Sugar Peak flowering 2-4-5 (2tsp/gal)
ff big bloom 0.01-0.3-0.7 (4tbsp/gal)
Beastie Bloomz 0-50-30 (1tsp/gal)