Fimd and Topped...


Active Member
Ok so I fimmed one of my beauties at its fourth node,been two days,looking good,I topped another one of my beautes at its fourth node yesterday,how long will it take for it to recooperate?


Active Member
I would give it at least 2 weeks to be fully growing strong again, maybe less. Depends on the strain and


Well-Known Member
Ok so I fimmed one of my beauties at its fourth node,been two days,looking good,I topped another one of my beautes at its fourth node yesterday,how long will it take for it to recooperate?

how did you FIM at the 4th node?? just curious as to what you mean by that....

anyways... topping takes more recoop time than FIMing does... topping can take up to a week.. FIMing should take little to no time at all....


Well-Known Member
i got ya.. should have asked how many nodes you had total.. i thought was thinking of an 9 or 10 node plant... trying to figure how you could fim a plant at the 4th node of a girl that big.. lol


Active Member
that would be brutal,it had five,coming up with its sixth and i topped it down to fourth,I didnt want to top down to the second node,i believe thats where your suppose to anyways,but i couldnt bring myself to do it,hoping it branches into two colas from there.dont know f it will or not.