ffof too much N?


Well-Known Member
My dude drove down and showed me how I definitely have been undewatering and have dry pockets. We soaked them with over a gallon a piece and let them wick up for awhile. Water wasn't saturating parts and just going right through. He says that its not too catastrophic. Do you guys agree? They are still stretching and growing so hopefully I'm cool. I was so worried about over watering that I totally under watered.
Afghan skunk
1 wk into flower
7 wks from seed
No nutes for wks
Ffof soil
600 hps 20 inches away
76f 65rh during light and 68f at night
Watered Monday with 6.3ph water no nutes
Soil runoff was 6.8

I transplanted about 3 wks ago from a ffof/happy frog mix to straight up ffof.
I have a claw issue going on, not sure if the ocean forest is just too high in N or what. A few lower leaves clawed last week, but never turned more brown. The tips are a little brown, but it's been doing that since I went straight ocean forest. Could too much negative air pressure in my tent do this too? I rotate plants every few days and been watering like every 5 days, besides this they are looking amazing for my first indoor grow. I am not too worried, but figured I'd ask professionals anyway.
I've grown in fox farm soil many times but I use soil less now. It appears as nitrogen toxicity to me, but not a major case. You say your a week into flower and the plant will love that extra nitrogen for the next few weeks but definitely don't add more and if the leaves haven't unclawed as nitrogen is used up, and they should unless the over dose has damaged the leaves then you may have gotten a bad bag! But I wouldn't worry about it as the stretch phase is the largest veg phase of the plants life and will need the nitrogen. And do not water until the pots are feather light, 99% of people's problems are overwatering.


Well-Known Member
Thank you everybody for all the great knowledge. All that water must of done something, taller and now I see more hairs coming in. Besides me undewatering, my next mistake I just realized was keeping 5 plants in a 3x3x6 tent, It's like a jungle in there. I only fimmed 2 and left 3 natural. Next time I will only do 4 and fim exactly at the same time and put a screen in. Once again thank you all so much for giving a crap about some strangers plants. I have the weights recorded and won't water until they are light and completely soak the soil, no dry spots.