Fertilizer Burn


Well-Known Member
I have plants that have been flowering for around 4 weeks. I noticed aphids on a few leaves and so I sprayed with a neem oil and insecticide soap mixture. Problem is, I think there was some Miracle Grow in the mix as well. I think my plants got fertilizer burned - the white hairs on the flowers turned brown. I flushed the dirt with pure water.

Anything else I can do? Should I spray the leaves with pure water? Will the white hairs come back?


Elite Rolling Society
I wish I could help ya, but I don't know.
I do know that the white hairs naturally turn reddish brown after 7 to 9 weeks.


Active Member
first of all when the white hairs turn brown that means that it is ripening. harvest that shit when the hairs are 50% white and 50% brown. and also DO NOT NEVER spray the buds with water. It can cause fungus and molding. Dieing leafs is normal. It means that it is about ready to ripen. " harvest it".


Well-Known Member
When the hairs turn brown, and the plant is only halfway through the veg, something is out of the ordinary. Normally, it's a pesticide.