Female/male? When do I know?


Active Member
Usually after the first week of flowering, assuming a 4 week veg. There are great pics online if you search here, or even google. There is a way to use a microscope, but I don't go all that high tech. Just remember to get the males/hermes out if you got any sacs form between the stalk and branches. I assume you don't know the strain?


Active Member
You can't use a microscope to identity the sex of your plant. There are a few ways to do this before flowering.
-Check for pre-flowers: Your plants should show early signs of sex at about 3-4 weeks.
-Cover one of the branches with a black paper bag or something similar on a 12/12 cycle separate to the whole plant.
- Put the entire plant into flowering until you can see the sex and then go back to veg (2 week recovery time)


Active Member
On the FAQ part of this site, they claim there is a way. Im too fucked up to look for it, but I know I have read it. Preflowers are correct, thats what you are looking for. I personally have never done the bag method, but I heard it works good. Just grow em till flowering, and burn the males, unless you want seeds for that strand.
ok.. thanks I appreciate the quick responses!! I think I might try the bag method.. Im pretty sure there all fem,,, but stranger things have happened.. Respect...