Feeding your babies


Well-Known Member
My question is pretty much revolving around how I should feed my plants it's N,P,K(fert). do I added it along with the medium and just mix it into one combined mixture of (perlite, soil, and fert)? or should I added fert to my water and feed it that way? am I suppose to keep feeding it the fertilizer or will the mix do just fine since it will be settled in the pot.

sorry if it's this is confusing but I"m just a tad confused on how fertilizer should be given to my baby.


Well-Known Member
i could be wrong but powder or liquid fertilizer should be given in water...

organic material that contains nutrients like bone meal, blood meal, any kind of guano should be mixed in the soil or made into tea...

this is just from my understanding of what ive read, if ive made a mistake some one please correct me =D