Feedback please


Active Member
Hey all
Started up my AF20 from GHE with 6 Aurora Indicas on the left and 7 Amsterdam Flame x Kush on the right, put them in the system last wednesday because the taproot was coming out of the rockwool. Planted them in clay pellets and coco baskets. Today they are 14 days old and I think they look a bit small and the leafs don't look very good to me and the roots has just begun to show through the cocopots. Is 600w (18/6) too much light for the girls (..I can hope can't I?) at this stage? Not really getting any luck with ph either, difficult to maintain, could the red stems they've got be any sign of this? Thinking about waiting one week more before I start introducing them to nutes, GHE's 3 part, and then I'll be back with more questions..:mrgreen:
Any tips on getting to grips with my ph-issues are most welcome, the system holds aprox. 90 liters and the water here is about ph7,0. Sorry if the pics are crapbut it's my first upload, hope you can see them. :lol:

Have a good one!

Duchy Herbivoir



Well-Known Member
The 600 is fine as long as your temps dont get to high.
However, your plants look very stretched so you
may want to invest in some CFL's to supplement your hps.
If you cant get them, pull your 600 closer but watch the temps.

You just started, so also invest in a ph testing kit...It has
everything you need and there cheap. It will pay off in the
long run. Def. wait on the nutes, until your girls start to get
a couple of more leave sets.

Hope this helps some...


No nutrients? why?

They need SOMETHING to survive... otherwise they will feed off themselves for new growth... low nutrients to start at least. i put my clones on at least 200 ppms. This will also aid in reducing the PH of your water. You need to test your PH and stabilize it to 5.3-6.0.


Well-Known Member
i dont know why people say to don't use nute at the beginning of a plants life cycle, i always use atleast 500 ppm even with seedlings on their first node. One thing about hydro that i dont think anyone here on this forum know about is that you can max feed them until u see signs of stress or burn, then you lower your stregnght. Hydro is immediate feeding so thats why you can fix problems right away, soil takes time because the organism needs to break down whatever for the roots.


Well-Known Member
and one more thing why are you using cocopots? I dont think that mix very well with aeroponic system because those coco particle can get into your water and through your system causing a massive clog. Just stick with the netpot and hydroton. And besides your mist can move through hydroton and no coco pots.


Well-Known Member
No nutrients? why?

They need SOMETHING to survive...
I agree, but dont they look a little small to you.

I guess it wouldnt hurt to give em a little something.
but im just worried he might burn them because I get
the feeling he does not have a ppm meter.


I agree, but dont they look a little small to you.

I guess it wouldnt hurt to give em a little something.
but im just worried he might burn them because I get
the feeling he does not have a ppm meter.
even small plants need nutrients to survive. in hydroponics plain water should only be used to make plants use up they're internal nutriets (flushing before harvest). so it being small, and in hydro... its going to get worse without nutrients.


Well-Known Member
These are my clones just under a month old.
I havent used nutes yet because I want to
keep them small for now.
I know what your saying but they can survive
with plain ph water and a little tlc.
Im not contradicting you at all, you probably have
much more exp. than me.



Active Member
Thanks for this!
I do actually have a meter I bought the bluelab combo meter. At this point I am having enough to deal with with the ph but I think I'll be putting in some Flora micro and see what happens because I get the feeling that they DO want/need something now. The reason why I am using coco pots is that the clay pellets I bought was from a regular gardensenter and some of them are quite small and I didn't want them to get in the system. I see that the hydroton looks like they are a bit better to use in size. I'm thinking I'm maybe chocking them in some way because of the cocopots on the outside but the roots have started coming out so I'm not touching that until harvest. :)
And then there was heat, that can get very high, up towards 38-39'c/ 100-102F it is normally around that when I come home from work and for the rest of the time I let the tent stand with open doors to get the heat down, gets it down to like 34-35'C/93-95F in the afternoon and late evening about 31-33'C/87-91F. If anyone has any good ideas how to get the temp down please share!! Want to keep the heat down under 30'C/86F and as for res heat I would like to try and put in those elements for coolingboxes one uses when going camping.
Thanks so far!!

Dutchy Herbivoir


Active Member
Ok, so I fed 5 caps of floragro and 2 caps of flora micro into the res earlier today. Hope for the best and see what happens over night. ph has fluct. between 6,3-6,5 so I'm within range but I reallly hope that the nuts help here.

Dutchy H


Active Member
Hi all
Day 17
Ec 0,8
ph 6,3-6,5
Heat Yes!

The two Aurora Indicas in the leftest slab have shriveled up and is getting tossed out, some have turned a little bit yellow and the leafs are still curling down while a few have maintained their green colour. The smallest one is actually the one that looks best. Seems like I got nuteburn on one tip and it doesn't show on any of the others.

Dutchy H



Uses the Rollitup profile
Ok, so I fed 5 caps of floragro and 2 caps of flora micro into the res earlier today. Hope for the best and see what happens over night. ph has fluct. between 6,3-6,5 so I'm within range but I reallly hope that the nuts help here.

Dutchy H
Why not read and follow the directions on the bottle? It's a 3-part system, and your plants need all three parts. How many ml in a capful? And since you have a meter, keep your pH around 5.8, you'll need to add pH Down.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
I did that yesterday evening and I also poured some water over the rockwool because the light was really drying it up and today they look like they've perked up a bit. Started stretching out the leafs again.
I came across these Texas Hydroponics :: Environmental Control :: Reservoir & Aquarium Chillers :: Eco Plus Chiller 1/4 & 1/2 H.P. Has anyone tried? Do they make a lot of noise?
And this Texas Hydroponics :: Environmental Control :: Reservoir & Aquarium Chillers :: Ice Probe Reservoir Chiller
Let me know if you have tried any of them!


Active Member
Day 19
Ec 0,8
Ph 5,8 (phew!)
Heat Yes

After waiting one day and only poured the nute soup on the rockwool to keep them moist, I came home to these today, two went in the trash yesterday because I let them dry out.:roll: They have shot up a bit and the leafs has come along really well. Roots are threading out and into the water. Some burns on the tip of the Aurora but none on the Amsterflames.
How old can/should the outlaws be before I start training them? I plan on bending the plants on the left/right to use the space better and placing the middle ones around to get better airflow.

Dutchy H



Active Member
Day 21
Ec 1,0
Ph 5,9
Heat Yes

They are bouncing up and new foliage is forming every night it seems.
Ph has kept steady for a couple of days now but today I topped up my res so I am again fighting the ph.
I took a 1,5L coke bottle and froze it, but when I put it in the res it didn't take long before it thawed and I wasn't able to cool the res by more than 1'C, I'll try and add the bottle after lights out tonight and see what happens.

Potroast, got any idea for how much longer I should veg. them? Since the system takes up some of the space. Doesn't the size double when going from veg. to bloom?

Duchy H



Uses the Rollitup profile
You keep trying to cool your res when you should be attacking the real problem of cooling your room. Your plants won't do well at 95 degrees, never mind the stuff growing in the res.

Yes, plants will at least double in size during the first 3-4 weeks of flowering.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
Day 25
Ec 0,9 (hmm, see below)
Ph 6,1 (just lowered)
Heat Yes (Until monday when I buy aircon/dehumidifier)

They are branching out nicely and so are the roots.
Changed the res today and upped the nutesoup but not seeing any rise in the EC just yet, should be around 1,0-1,3 according to the bottle.
Also I see some brown spots on a couple of leafs now and also getting some yellowing around them, guess my first timers luck is running out now..
Check'em out and let me see your thoughts!

Dutchy H



Well-Known Member
its not the Iast of your probIem at Iate fIowering you'II have defiency probIems because its 2 different strain and your using the same res for both of them. Never go hydro and different strain sharing the same res.

Not onIy that but at the end 1 strain might finish first and one might not then you have to decide to fIush or what have. See the probIems youII be deaIing with?