Klansmen? I see you're sinking further into the intellectual hole you've dug yourself. You have far more in common with those folks than I do given your general ignorance and apparent hatred of me for simply pointing out your lies (go figure Klansmen get upset when you point out their lies too).
Haiti has an incredibly corrupt government that's been propped up by other governments. That government has a monopoly on instruments of power. So that government runs amok. Yay government though right.
So it's ok for you to tell me to go fuck myself, but you cry like a little bitch when I refer to you as a Klansmen? I actually called you a Klansmen because you told me to go fuck myself and tried insulting my intelligence, so I slapped you back. Figures a hypocritical whining bitch as yourself would find issue with that.
Ok, so you're just here to troll then? Or you do want to actually engage in civil debate? It is completely up to you, I can do either. Bitch.
Nice false equivalency. Klansmen are dishonest, ignorant fuck tards. Sort of like you and your buddy See4.
False equivalency? Do you even understanding the meaning of that phrase? You might want to go look it up you ignorant pile of shit.
Interesting notion you refer to me as a Klansmen as its you who align with the party who's moral leader thinks it is completely ok to rape and murder women and children. You pedobear loving generalizing militia loving redneck piece of human feces.
Nice semantics here. Typical dishonest bullshit though. But of course, if you don't and you earn over X (I think it's around 10k - less than enough to live!) amount the IRS will most assuredly come after your ass if you do not file yourself.
Now you are talking out your ass, as usual. You have no fucking clue whatsoever as to what you are talking about, and I suppose you are using your Klansmen senses to think this shit up.
I have college friends that have gone several years not filing taxes, making well over 125k a year, and eventually they get a letter asking to please pay a certain amount by a particular date or else they may start garnishing wages. It is true they will eventually get to you, but you can go years without paying with little a gripe. So once again you are talking out your ass, and at the very least you are being disingenuous like certain Klans members you identify with.
Your a sad piece of shit that tries to play word games in attempts of avoiding the topic at hand or questions asked.
You can't make this case. Don't even try.
So you are saying if there were no gun laws, we would all be safer? Is that really what you think? You can't possibly be that fucking stupid. I mean I know you are dumb sack of shit, but THAT fucking stupid? Only hypocritical Klansmen are that fucking stupid... oh, never mind.
See, I can play your game too. Bitch.