fdd2blk, is this hemp??


Well-Known Member
A lifetime ago (late 60's) I sold a bunch of lbs of Illinois hemp (remember those brightly colored cellophane wrapped kilos?) and none of it had any glands like your pics show, for what that's worth. Oh, and yeah, those buyers knew exactly what they wer buying.


Well-Known Member
are you freakin kidding? man if this isnt hemp im going to be the happiest man alive!! I moved into a old farm house with 80+ acres and its about 50 yards from my house. I know the old renter of this place grew pot but in a very different place. I had him come over and i showed it to him and he said its hemp. Maybe he just said that so he would take it? hes not that kinda guy. Wow I hope its not hemp now!


Well-Known Member
looks sativa to me and has trichs or so it appears to from the first pic, i would say it is not hemp


Well-Known Member
dont they use male plants for hemp???

Hemp is Cannabis Sativa, the same plant you're all growing and smoking. The name "Cannabis Sativa" means "Useful Hemp". What people today refer to colloquially as "hemp" is simply cannabis grown for fiber rather than resin. This is done by planting very close together and growing strains that produce more fiber. "Hemp" is ideally grown sinsemilla, since seeds decrease resin production as well as fiber production.

So to the OP: Yes, technically it's hemp, but it looks like cannabis grown for resin. Probably someone else's grow site.


Well-Known Member
There ya go!
I sure didn't get any buzz off that crap I was selling, but someone did. It was free for the cuttin' and seemed endless. Kinda ruined my respect for money at the end of my own wonder years.
Much too young to want all or none.


Well-Known Member
wow..@ the comments on this thread... first off.. no it is not hemp.. if your talking to an 'elderly' man.. he would consider anything 'hemp' bcuz that was the common name back then.. that is a sativa dominant (smokeable) .. I.E. Cannabis Sativa C. .... To Calm the confusion.. 'hemp' (not rly smokeable but used for seed & Fibers etc. ) is Cannabis Sativa L. which is why it is illegal still, because the law says any cannabis sativa...does not specify . only generalizes... American Government FTW!!!!


Well-Known Member
That's definately going to be smokeable product, and it appears there's more than one...? Does it look like the soil it's in has been "worked" or is it different than the surrounding soil? How longs the house been vacant? Hope it turns out to be all yours, but ya gotta wait a few more weeks!


Well-Known Member
if it was wild hemp
that grows wild in north america
this late in year i think it would be mature by now
it is asativa..
good find man ..hope that other former renter does not come and steal it ...
your karma bank must be full good for you ..