Favorite Movies While High?


Just wondering what are your favorite movies while high?

My favorite our:
Fight Club
Lords of Dogtown
Zombie movies of any kind!


Well-Known Member
Harry Potter series, I wasn't much of a fan until I watched one high. I get such a magical warm feeling from the costumes and buildings and shit. I love watching the parts containing the Weasley house. It gives me a cozy feeling eh. It inspired me to read the books.

I also watched Barney's Halloween Party once, I was so high and it was . . . strange. Before that point, I absolutely could not stand Barney - now I let my kid watch it when ever she wants. Crazy, I know.

Firefly is always awesome, being high just makes it all that much better. I usually like to relax with a movie I've seen and liked, than to risk a good buzz on a shit movie.


Well-Known Member
the big lebowski. fear and loathing in las vegas. (there are all kinds of crazy sounds you hear when you are stoned) and the classic reefer madness. hilarious.


reefer madness hahaha.. i'd have to say tenacious d and the pick of destiny, kill bill vol. 1, and the wall.. not in that order..


New Member
i love VAMPIRES while on weed.. or any scary movie for that fact..WhooooHoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Blood n Guts.........................