favorite beer?

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah we cleaned the lines frequently the reps for the various products would do it for us. lately ive been drinking fosters or sapporo cheap but ok quality. ill get sick of those 2 and move to something else eventually.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't disagree more about Dos Equis. I only drink the green bottle, as the amber bottle does nothing for me but foster the urge to hold my nose. Whoever told you that Carta Blanca is better than Dos Equis doesn't know what they're talking about, though it is a decent beer that's simillar to Tecate. Also, most of the people I know will tell you that the beer tastses much better in Mexico than here in the States. I don't know why it's true, but it is. Not just in the coastal/border towns either, I discovered the same trend deep in Mexico City.
First of all I never meant to insinuate that XX is good beer. And Carte Blanc was never compared to XX, just another beer geek saying it was good beer. I have never had one. And "Light American Lager" and "Mexican Lager" are my two least favorite beer catagories, so I am not a good opinion anyway.

As for hangovers, Dehydration is a major factor. Ales will hurt you more, especially the big bold west coast style and "imperial" strength beers. Ales are fermented warmer allowing other byproducts of the yeast fermentation besides Ethyl Alcohol. There are several Esters and Phenols which are responsible for the fruity flavors and complex aromas of beers fermented with Ale yeast, which is most non yellow fizzy beers. This is the reason for Vodka companies to do multiple distilations and charcoal filtering.


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
hangovers are from a number of causes i drink water while drinking so i never suffer dehydration even though alcohol is a diuretic. some of the other hangover causes would be as you said other compounds in particular tannins congeners and other by-products of fermentation. as an example has anyone gotten drunk on malt liquor? true liquid crap true swill true liquid hangover also makes people crazy. its funny how different types of alcohol produce different feelings of drunkeness it probably has to do with the speed or way it is metabolized. champagne and wine give a mean hangover also. clear distilled liquors seem to produce less effects though i mostly avoid liquor. another factor is simply genetics some people of different areas of the world make very little of the enzyme needed to break down the alcohol so unfortunetly they suffer double time.


Well-Known Member
[...]another factor is simply genetics some people of different areas of the world make very little of the enzyme needed to break down the alcohol so unfortunetly they suffer double time.
Native Americans have only been exposed to alcohol for at best 400 years and for tribes, less than 200. This is not enough time to adapt to alcohol, and it's consumption in the presence of unlimited fresh water was far from a positive selection factor. So yes Native Americans produce very little (depending on flow of genes with European lineage) alcohol dehydrogenase. But if the negative effects you are referring to come after the positive effects have worn off, they do not suffer twice...actually the argument could be made that they actually suffer less, as the ratio of time drunk to time hung over is larger for those who do not metabolize alcohol and therefore stay drunk longer and get drunk on less...no if the suffering we are speaking of were addiction, then Native people suffers more.

And as for the causes of hangovers I assume you were agreeing with me as I used "constituents" instead of "congeners" which are the same thing, both jargon, one from chemistry, one from brewing/distilling/wine & mead making.

*edit: after rereading my other post I did not say that, I mentioned esters and phenols which are some of the common "congeners" in beer.
And I would argue that although darker beers are asociated with hangovers amomg beer geeks, and I would say not more than cheap yellow beer, that tannins are not the cause. Although red wine is full of tannins and is notorious for head splitting hangovers, grape juice is also full of tannins and causes no hangover like symptoms in even the youngest of those who abuse it. Again red wine is not fermented cold and is high in alcohol. The yeast that can survive these conditions (better than the bacteria) produce alcohols other than ethyl. Drink enough water and drink really good vodka...no hangover. You cannot drink enough water to not have a headache after a bottle or two of red wine. The same goes for beers of about 9% or more. Though the last two statements are merely opinion.



Well-Known Member
another name for it is best beer. I love Orange beers. My fave is Guiness though nothing beats it!:leaf:
I hope that Milwaukee's Best keeps the nick name Beast and Beast light as the name "Best beer" is a huge injustice!

Joseph Best started Best brewing in Milwaukee about 1840. Best was one of the pioneers in changing American drinking culture. Although colonists brought over the knowledge and love of ale, fruit trees were easier to grow than grain and Americans drank more brandy (rum before getting pissy with the boy king) and cider and later whiskey. The temperance movement was in full swing and the germans convinced Americans (at numerous jury trials even) that Lager beer was a wholesome beverage rather than an intoxicant, though the ABV was only about 3%.

Anyhow the brewery was at one point split among brothers. Brother Carl got the "Plank Road Brewery" which Frederick Miller leased and then bought. Frederick Pabst married into the best family and changed the Best Brewery to Pabst brewing which by about 1890 was the largest brewery in the world.

When I was 21 my roommate and I would buy a case of "beast Light" every day. It was $6.43 with tax. I would drink 4 and my bro would drink the other 20.


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
even on the cleanest potato vodka with ample water you can still get a hangover. alcohol is toxic to the body in large quantities no getting around that. some sources are worse than others that is for sure.


Well-Known Member
the title says it all. me, i cant decide between blue moon and shock top, i have loved blue moon for quite a while buta few of my buddies just turned me on to shock top. leines beers are the shit too

I haven't had either of those
My choice is Old E or Red Stripe.
