Fat people are gross


Well-Known Member
Holy shit lol I just can't win. It's not the guys fault for having the knife in his hands, but I think it's completely the fat womans fault how did she not know the child was under her. She coulda stopped her fat ass from eating when she was 500, 600 or 700 pounds but no she continues to stuff her fat face. There was a man who was also 1000 pounds and he started excercising by just clapping his hands a bunch to music. He ended up losing a shit ton of weight. This women can easily do the same thing but the only time she lifts her arms is to consume. I'm not saying she should go to jail that's just what the people in her country want to do to her. My opinion is jail couldn't be any worse then what she's living in right now.
She ate herself into that shape. You are right about that.


It's not getting to it that's a problem. Getting away from it without getting sucked into the black hole it created is the problem.


Well-Known Member
...The best thing to battle it is some excercise and a good diet not prescreption meds...
Really? Good diet and exercise makes you lose weight? NO WAY!!! I never thought about bringing that up to them, my bad on that one :roll:

Listen, I made fun of fat people for a long time and they are hurting inside like you have no idea. They are addicted to food.

Fuck man, we are on a grow forum cause we are addicted to smoking a plant! Deny this all you want, but we are one big group of fucking pot heads, myself included.

So how can I say to someone, "put down the burger", when I cant even put down the mother fucking bong?

So unless you plan on not being addicted to anything, I suggest you push your hypocritical way of life somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
The obvious point of this thread is to ridicule the less fortunate to feel better about themselves. Obese people are easy targets. The ignorance on this topic is ENORMOUS. I tried awhile back to explain it but was immediately attacked from all sides. Even from obese people on this site. So I gave up. Making fun of fat people is a long cherished tradition. Question it at your peril.
I'm with ya carne. I think it's fucked up how mean people can be.

They make fun of fat people, for what? To put them down? Assholes. If you really wanted to help, at least be nice about it. If somebody really cared about another persons' health issues, they'd lend a hand and recommend things.. give tips and whatnot.

And if anything, that person is hurting themself. It's a lifestyle choice, don't make the person feel like shit over it though. Do you guys talk shit to people that cut their hair differently? How about people that wear different clothes? Their weight doesn't effect you and they obviously know it's bad for health, so either help in a positive way or STFU.

That's not aimed at you carne..


Well-Known Member
Video games and computers, chips and sodas, energy drinks!, etc. have changed our country. Almost everyone born before 1980 will tell you as children they played outside EVERY day, all day. Every kid had a bike, many of them also had a skateboard, baseball gloves, footballs, basketballs, etc. and an army of neighborhood kids who wanted to play too. Now, kids have XBox, and the friends they play with are their homes on their Xbox. This is the truth, but young people do nto understand it because it is all they have known. Eat right, and exercise, and you will not be obese without a medical condition.
I get what you're saying about the weight issues. My friend came over with his 10 year old kid. We thought it would be a good idea to toss around a football with the little dude. We asked and he blew us off so he could play with his nintendo ds. WTF?! I know I'm not old, be even me at that age would have loved the shit out of a chance to toss a football with some grown ups. At that age I was running laps all around the soccer field one day and then all around the basketball court the next.

But I disagree that's the only reason. Take a look at carnes post. It's true. There's statistics clearly showing how middle class families tend to be more overweight. The high class can afford all the healthy organic foods.. No offense to anybody, but the low class tend to not be able to buy much food.. But the middle class only has enough money to buy all the cheap processed foods to support their families.

My dad is middle class. He's his own boss for a concrete company. The guy works all damn day swinging sledgehammers. By the end of the day his shirt is soaked in sweat and his whole body is sore. What does he eat? The guy eats less than the average teenager. But he's still way overweight.. It's the quality of the food that counts. I'd like to see half the people here do what he does.. They'd literally pass the fuck out working as hard as he does.

So yeah, I disagree with your assumption that fat people are fat because they play video games all day. That is the case for alot of them, but not all.


Well-Known Member
Like carne, I'm out of this one before I get my boxers up in a bunch lol.

I will leave with this true but corny saying.. If you don't have anything nice to say (STFU), don't say anything at all.


New Member
My mom is overweight so I have to put with all kinds of grunts and sounds when she eats or even she's just sitting there, so annoying. Same when my brother was living here, he plops down instead of gradually sitting down and makes the same noises, makes me so glad I have my dad's side on that gene lol.


New Member
I wasn't saying we should punish them or anything but for god sakes just put the damn food down. On 5 diff meds to battle obesity? The best thing to battle it is some excercise and a good diet not prescreption meds. Didn't mean to offend YOU but it's just how I look at it. Im only 115 and I eat whatever the hell I want.
The posts in this thread are incredibly mean and hateful. I'm disappointed. :(
Not really, may look that way but fat people need to have a little will power, just calling how they see it. Simple as that, stop eating so much and work out.


Well-Known Member
Well of course not all kids who play video games are fat, Heph. As for your dad, one thing he should understand is how metabolism works. The very basics are that if you eat once, maybe twice a day, even if like a bird, you will not lose weight and may even put some on because your body doesn't know if or when it will get its next meal, so it stores everything for energy. If you eat a small meal five times a day, you will burn mad calories and lose weight. Look, if this guy can go from a 62 inch waist to a 32, so can a LARGE number of obese. They ate themselves unhealthy, over a long period of time, and the rest of us have to pick up their medical tabs. Heart attacks cost alot of money. There are several tv shows with large people dropping hundreds of pounds through diet and exercise. Please spare me the BS that obese people did not get that way on their own, and they deserve our sympathy.

I don't feel sorry for any addicts. You have a choice. There is help. I crave peanut M&Ms like a MF, but I have some GD self control.



New Member
I wasn't saying we should punish them or anything but for god sakes just put the damn food down. On 5 diff meds to battle obesity? The best thing to battle it is some excercise and a good diet not prescreption meds. Didn't mean to offend YOU but it's just how I look at it. Im only 115 and I eat whatever the hell I want.
Why are they mean? It is the truth. It is reality. Americans were thin until the fast food boom of the 80's. I understand that some people have thyroid issues and others are on medications that make them put on weight. I feel badly for them because I know it is a hard life. By far, the vast majority of obese people in the US have done it to themselves. Anyone who does not agree has their head in the sand.

My mom has thyroids but that's not a good enough excuse, she has done a few walks but nothing ever to break a sweat.


New Member
I wasn't saying we should punish them or anything but for god sakes just put the damn food down. On 5 diff meds to battle obesity? The best thing to battle it is some excercise and a good diet not prescreption meds. Didn't mean to offend YOU but it's just how I look at it. Im only 115 and I eat whatever the hell I want.
I only buy healthy food. You all know that. I haven't touched fast food in years. Go buy a bucket of chicken w/ mashed taters and gravy and biscuits which is a lot cheaper than buying the materials for the same meal and cooking it yourself. I don't know where you get that idea from Clayton but you're wrong. Next time, when you're in the supermarket, look at the prepackaged foods (boxed meals, cereals, etc.) and you'll see one of the main ingredients as HFCS or one of it's other names. Our food in the U.S. is loaded with it. Compare that with natural foods and you'll see the disparity between the two.

Anyway, I'm not going through this again. I've done my time on Maple Drive. I will never convince any of you. I tried. Ya'll have a blind spot where fat peope are concerned.
Fruits and vegetables aren't that much to make a salad, there's also Subway. Point is, fat people don't have to be fat, it's more of a choice.


Well-Known Member
My point isn't that they can't get healthy or deserve sympathy. Not at all. I'm just saying people should leave them alone and not call them gross and poke fun at them. No need for sympathy, but there's also no need for dickheads messing with their lifestyle.

And you're probably right about my dad. Plus he likes his beer, so it's probably more of a beer belly than anything else. My point in saying that was to show fat people aren't always fat just because they're lazy. There's other contributing factors. Like I said, that doesn't mean I'm saying you should give them sympathy, I'm just saying that's not always the case.

Good day..



New Member
Yeah, maybe the title was misleading about fat people in general, pretty much how I think but some are pretty gross tho and if your 1,000 pounds, I'd consider that grossly fat lol.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
for. fuck's. sake.

this is what happens when people get their news from a single source. i'll leave the fact that it was worldstarhiphop for another thread.

first off, this incident happened in 2008. second, the doctors have already determined that the baby died of being beaten, not smothered. doctors have also determined that the woman is literally too fat to physically roll over and smush a kid. third, the woman has now admitted that her SISTER beat the shit out of the kid and she took the blame because not only did she not tell anyone about it, but she was too fat to do anything about it. THE SISTER ADMITTED IT AND HAS ALREADY PLEADED GUILTY AND IS SERVING A 15 YEAR FUCKING SENTENCE. catch the fuck up. this stupid tlc special is supposed to focus on that, not just some lady who weighs a bazillion pounds. i love how the op turned this into a hatefest for fatties but neglected to even learn about the story that is the cause of soooo much outrage.




New Member
Jeez dude, calm down lol, still doesn't make her any less gross tho.

On another note, if a thousand pound person did get arrested for something, would they get a special cell?