Fan/Sun leaves,what's your policy?


Well-Known Member
I'm 5 weeks into flowering and at this stage you can really pre-visualize the upcoming kolas. The plants also have a lot of "fading" big fan leaves, turning, yellow, withering, etc. I've been pulling those leaves off for years, I figure they are doing the buds no good and zapping energy from the rest of the plant. It also allows more sun to hit the lower branches that were being blocked. In 30 years of growing this has never been a problem,I think some purists will say let nature take its course but what are your opinions?


Well-Known Member
I've seen arguments for both sides and from what you've said your experience has left you with a more concrete answer to how the plants react to some pruning.
In the last couple of years I've noticed a lot more people trying different approaches to growing cannabis, even adopting farming techniques. People use LST, supercrop and other methods to improve yield/potency, so for me it's a matter of preference, until someone definitively says this is this and that is that it'll be an issue of hot debate.

I have myself gone and tried something that will either end nicely or terribly, I've been fighting PM and it's been a harsh battle, so on a smaller plant I trimmed every leaf containing a hint of the little white devil and was left with a tree even Charlie Brown would've wept over. Why?

So I can see the results and have my own opinion on that I'm funny that way, knowledge is a more powerful attraction then most drugs.


Well-Known Member
if there yellowing pull em off:lol: lets have a look at her mate im 16 days into flower and we all like abit of bud porn


Well-Known Member
I like that Mojo, you're willing to experiment and see what happens rather than take some forum post as gospel. Good for you.

I'm of the opinion that millions of years worth of evolution has probably figured things out better than me, so I let the plant determine what to do with its leaves. Perhaps next time I'll play around with different techniques and see how things go, but this year I just want to make it through my first grow and harvest something.


Well-Known Member
Thanks socal, I'm not trying to be rude because I know for damn sure that without the help I've received here, my girls would have suffered greatly. I've always been a tweaker, meaning if I could get just one more decibel, pixel or tomato then normal, I'm all for it.

I don't want to spit in the wind so to speak, just want my own data.


Well-Known Member
yeh do it have a play lol all strains react different though trimmin/training. i personally cant help but fuk about with so i like techniques where i can mess with the plants View attachment 2812713
iv done a couple of grows with no training or trimming and well im back to messing around experimenting


Well-Known Member
Thanks socal, I'm not trying to be rude because I know for damn sure that without the help I've received here, my girls would have suffered greatly. I've always been a tweaker, meaning if I could get just one more decibel, pixel or tomato then normal, I'm all for it.

I don't want to spit in the wind so to speak, just want my own data.
I understand completely. There are a lot of great growers on this site, hell on the outdoor sub-forum we've got some guys killing it, but I like to mess around and figure out why something works or doesn't, not just have someone tell me. Sometimes it works out, sometimes my conclusion is that I should've listened to those who know better, the point is I've learned something at the end.


Well-Known Member
Sun travels right thru a leaf. Hold a flash light to your plant at night. Light travels right through it. Stack 5 sets of leafs on top of each other. A week flashlight will travel through all the leafs. IMO picking fan leafs to get more sun to bud sites is not needed.

You can also go out at night and hold flashlight against your stalk facing up. Most all the leafs on your plant will light up like a lightbulb. I do not know the numbers on how much light travels through a pot leaf. I do know it's out there if you want to find out. I will tell you most all the light goes right through your leafs.

Also OP you said. "
  • I've been pulling those leaves off for years, I figure they are doing the buds no good and zapping energy from the rest of the plant.

    You have it backwards friends. The plant is pulling Nitrogen from the fan leafs feeding the plant. It starts with older leafs first and so on. So by picking them early your doing more harm than good. It yellowing those leafs for a reason.

    All this being said I do cut out any leaf that touches the ground when wet. Also thin shoots in the middle of the plant. Besides that I do not prune anything. I only pull yellow leafs when they come off with slight pull. If not I let them go another day. (backyard growing of corse) In the bush you may have to pick them early if you cannot attend your plants daily.

    I welcome anyone to do the flashlight test. It may change your mind on how sun travels into the middle of your plant. It looks like shade but much more is going on.



Well-Known Member
I am new to growing but here is what I do and why. Once the leaves become quite yellow and limp looking they get removed. This also includes any other dead leaves. I figure they aren't benefiting the plant by this time and are possibly blocking light and airflow or both. While they are dying and turning yellow I think the plant is using them up and not the other way around. Leaves don't suck energy from a plant, they provide it. That's their whole purpose. This is just my reasoning, Happy Growin'


Well-Known Member
Just to play devils advocate, there are some people who use the Bonsai approach to their plants {getting great results} and if that's not pruning I don't know what is lol.


Active Member
LST, Topping, Supercropping are bonsai techniques but applied to an anual plant.. In my case I need to train a 12' plant (backyard grower) into a 6-7 tall plant but 8-10' across


Well-Known Member
Bonsai outdoors? Thats interesting.
I know eh, but I have a friend who lives in apt and has his outside on the balcony, he did this type of pruning and had really good results, not a huge pay out mind you but the bud was good.


Well-Known Member
I still recommend the flashlight test. It clearly convince me on how light travels thru your plant.


Well-Known Member
When the last time you seen a 5lb to 10lb plant with all the leafs plucked?
I'm thinking about it in a more general sense, as a plant it's pretty versatile and given the right approach fit anyone's needs, be it the closet grower to the massive gardens. Stuck for space got ya covered, going commando we can help, hell we can even spiff up your office with a nice bonsai ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about it in a more general sense, as a plant it's pretty versatile and given the right approach fit anyone's needs, be it the closet grower to the massive gardens. Stuck for space got ya covered, going commando we can help, hell we can even spiff up your office with a nice bonsai ;)

Well said friend.