Fan question


Active Member
This may be the first time you've heard this question (maybe) but I am in an area that every store practically got rid of all their fan stock for the holidays and winter. So I'm stuck with a finished grow room and no fan options. Though while walking around walmart i found these air purifiers and such. I was thinking that these have to take air in and then blow it out again... So would this be enough air flow? The room is not very big at all like 6ft tall, 2 ft width, 2.5 ft long. It looks like a cabinet when closed up. I do already have exhaust with homemade carbon filter ( may not have a good enough fan in there but not sure). And the intake works awesome. Just need circulation so would the air filters air power work?


Active Member
i was looking to and shit out of luck :( you could buy a small space heater with a fan option though thats what i did. then you have a fan and heat if it happens to get low during winter


Well-Known Member
for such a small area, a PC fan or two would work.
you need a fan in the grow for 2 things,1 is to keep the air moving around in the room so the plants are exposed to fresh air & not a pocket of stale air. your exhaust fan will do this.I had a small setup once that had no fans,I put the ballasts at the bottom and had vents top & bottom,heat rises so convection keep the air moving.
the second reason for a fan is to keep the branches moving during veg & thus strengthen them to hold buds,my setup above didnt work well for this so the plants started falling over when the buds started getting fix was to start manhandling them every day when I checked them for water.gently bend them around a little, they will get used to it and grow stronger.I still do this even w/ a fan & have noticed stronger limbs on the plants I handle the most


Active Member
dammit posted a message and it lagged out hit refresh and it didnt post lol. anyways i think he knows why he needs a fan he just wants to know where he can buy one. in some areas their seasonal like here and become damn near impossible to find. even though they prolly have em all sitting in the back of the store waiting for summer to come back around.

quick edit actually i see now he wanted to know if the air purifier was good. not sure about that but i think the small space heater would work better cause its a fan and you have a heater incase it gets to cold during winter


Active Member
dammit posted a message and it lagged out hit refresh and it didnt post lol. anyways i think he knows why he needs a fan he just wants to know where he can buy one. in some areas their seasonal like here and become damn near impossible to find. even though they prolly have em all sitting in the back of the store waiting for summer to come back around.

quick edit actually i see now he wanted to know if the air purifier was good. not sure about that but i think the small space heater would work better cause its a fan and you have a heater incase it gets to cold during winter
haha no worries! Well thanks for the tips! I appreciate it. I'm a beginner (never grown before actually)

I didn't end up buying the purifier afterall. I forgot today was Sunday and it was early so garage sales were plentiful haha so I searched an found an oscillator! I actually found a heater as well (doubles as a fan too! :D ) so for 13$ I got both haha


Active Member
Well Played!! garage sale ftw. i need a new oscillating fan also cant find them ne where atm :-/


Active Member
garage sales thats a pretty damn good score lol. i was told to do that when i was looking for a dresser but i didnt have to patience to go looking around yard sales for the right specimen


Active Member
The way I found it was actually through craigslist! I searched "oscillating fan" and found a garage sale listing that happened to be like a mile from me :) AND I found a second one cause I stopped at another after the first. Not everyone is nice in their garage ads and lists key items though :(

buttt another awesome place to look that I forgot about is goodwill, or savers possibly! No seasonal shifting there I don't think. They're based on donations so that would be silly.

However the new fan oscillates but my room is still really warm. I don't have a temp gauge yet but I'm guessing 80s.... What can I do?