Fan leaves dying after flush.

Day 42 in flower growing in coco with perlite 25%. Sunleaves coco fiber brand never flushed it..:wall:
Using Floranova Bloom + calmag. After I decided to flush at day 40 the fan leaves are now drying up to the crisp curling up and eventually falling off..that bad. Rust spots on leaves. FNB has 4.0% calcium and 2.0% mag and FNB is pretty much loaded. After the flush I did not add any nutes I let them dry out for 5 days in plain water, and I never check my PH and I know everyone you can flag me. Next grow will be better (adding RO and coco specific nutes and hopefully will start to check PH).
I know its tough to work with nutrients that are not specif to coco, as coco has its own characteristic liking.
That is why next grow I will be going with Botanicare CNS17 for coco, I read some good sutff. Or Canna of course but will need to do more research.



Well-Known Member
you have nuts. burn and what leaves that were damaged will die even after you fix the. after you flushed and you fed them was it at 1/4 strength?


If that's the most damaged leaf. It is not Nute burn. There is no classic leaf tip burn. Given how much damage is there, I would have expected half the leaf tip to be burned or so.

honestly I am unfamiliar with soilless mediums such as coco... What I do know though, is it is easy to lock out calcium and mg if your ph is not correct.

my diagnosis: cal mg defeciency.

Check your ph. ph is correct for coco is 5.4 to 5.8ish. I would like to assume that even though your adding cal/mg, it's being locked out due to your ph level.

also what kind of water are you using? Tap water? Or distilled? I only ask because I am curious why you started adding cal/mg in the first place? Plain water tap water should have enough, no?


Well-Known Member
IMO- Don't worry about the Fan leaves, there going to die, and fall off anyway.
If the rest of the plant looks good don't worry about it.

Good Luck on Your Grow