fake piss?


has anyone ever used it and does it work? dont wanna spend money on something if it dosent work. let me know gotta drug tust within the week:!:


Well-Known Member
I tried fake piss but my girlfriend said it tasted like shit....for me to go back to really pissing in her mouth.

Zimmy Budz

Active Member
LOL ^^ @ stoned

But yeah I used Quick Fix a couple years back to get a job at a call center. I was nervous as fuck but it worked. Hope this helps



Active Member
Shit yeah it works. Got a little vial for like 30 bucks from the smoke shop and kept it in some tight underarmor undies. It's a pretty cool feeling to go into a drug test high as a kite, scamming the system so to speak. Passed with flying colors! good luck


bud bootlegger
quick fix is the brand name and i think its made by urine luck.. it works effing killer.. best $30 you'll ever spend.. get the 3 oz size.. follow the direction on the box, and never look back..


bud bootlegger
yah... its fawkin awesome, no doubt.. i think that is the the co's name that makes the quick fix.. good stuff.. well worth the money.. i'll never waste money on any of the detox drinks again as they are entirely too risky imho..
Dog pee always worked for me . . .
I don't even want to know how you collect it. But are you serious? Does that work? I think I'll spend the $30 instead. I have a question- In High Times, there's an ad for a powdered piss, it costs like $125. On the next page, there's an ad for another brand that costs $30ish. Is more expensive better? Also, how long can you keep quick fix? I'm a truck driver and I get random tests (no, I'm not driving a truck stoned, I wait till I'm off, I'm not an asshole), sometimes it can be over a year between tests, but one time I had to take three in one month. I want to have some available at all times, since when they tell you to go get a test, you have to go to the lab immediately.


Well-Known Member
I hear if you do a shit ton of cocaine the night before, that the pot wont be detected... hope this helps.