F$$$n bugs


Well-Known Member
We'll I'm new here and I've read some threads ....I'm wondering if there has been any breakthrough in the spider mite epidemic? I'm 8 weeks in flower soil grow airated distiller water humidity above 60 most of grow temps day 74 night 65 600 w hps 3 blackjacks form bds green and healthy till the past two weeks I've tried to keep humidity high in hopes to slow them Down and sprayed with distiller water anything else I can do without losing it all or ruining it ? I've used mighty wash before but not this close to harvest any tips would be great .....

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
How did I get them room was pretty clean can my dog be carrying these fuckers in.?
My secret is to change clothes and shower, after being outside,before you go into your garden. Especially if u worked on outdoor garden, cut the grass, went for a hike or any other activity that could contaminate you.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by power spray and or detail ....the high humidity for 2 days and spraying seems to have slowed everything mite wise down prolly 8 outta 10 r dead but still see eggs no webs gonna harvest in a week


New Member
They are a major pain. You can use mighty wash, let set 8 hrs after lights out, start spray bottom to top with quick spray then wash out the webs top down. 2Hrs before lights on spray down with Power Wash by same company. Do this 3 days before harvest. After harvest drop in Dr. Doom spider mite fogger. Order bennifecial mites or treat plants regularly with Majic green or seaweed equivalent and neem oil or Azatrol every 10 days up to week 3 flower.


Well-Known Member
bro, a week or two and you will have a circus of mites. go in with a mist sprayer of 16oz water, 4 ounces 91% isopropal alcohol , and a few drops of rosemary oil.
if you dont have rosemary oil available then find fresh rosmary at store and boil it down into your water.
Also try
You could also try the Habanero spray, also worked for saving my last crop.
1lb of habs minced to oblivion, you want the seeds split open to release proteins.
simmer for 6 hours in 4 or5 cups of water.Wear gloves and mask when applying and making at own risk, super hot oils. Drain and filter out plant matter, squeezing plant matter for oils and water.
this is your concentrate, use 1 tblspoon per 56 oz of water. do not mix with rosemary tea, instead, wait 2 days then use rosemary tea. then 2 days after that do a sprayer with only water and 3 drops DR bonners dish soap. I get the peppermint oil one.

Spray the underside of your leaves, only spray close to LIGHTS OUT always.
The more pressure in your sprayer, the more atomization, the better.
The best way to rid of these bastards are,
1.prevent if from happening by spraying all veg plants with neem oil, azamax ect.
2.clean religiously, spray everything entering your room with iso cause why not.
3 Integrated Pest Managment, Basically dont buy one product and use it only, this is because how quick mites can reproduce and mutate. You dont want to grow resistant mites. I use multiple products, but all the ones i mentioned are for late flower. Use them one after the other and im sure you will minimize your problem.

I also froze my buds after drying to ensure the damage was dealt, cause either way your smoking some dead mites too.
best of luck.