EZ mushroom grow kit Help


Active Member
Alright, I have a homestead easy grow kit going right now. Took about 6-7 weeks for the rye pack to finish, and now after 2 weeks in the compost I'm seeing little mushrooms. I have a couple of questions as this is the first time I've ever done anything with mushrooms.

1. The instructions say to pick them before the veil breaks. How easy will it be to tell that they are ready to be picked? Will they all be ready to pick at the same time?

2. When I pick them, do I remove the whole stem or just the caps?

3. What the hell do I do with them then? Dry them? Eat them fresh? How much? Do they need to be washed? Eat the whole thing, stem and all, or just the caps? Remember it's my first time.

Thanks for any help. :peace:


Active Member
well i havent ever grown mushrooms but ive eaten plenty. i always eat the stem and caps. it seems like most of the time, the veil has broken (im not sure exactly what that means, i think ur saying that the gills are visible) so anyways the ones ive eaten have mostly had visible gills, although some didnt. they all make me trip balls


Well-Known Member
Pick the entire mushroom and eat it. They are more potent if you catch them before the veil breaks. I don't think you need to wash them considering they're growing in a safe enviornment.
As for drying, I don't really know. I'm pretty sure you can eat them just the way they are, but it's def. better to dry them.


Well-Known Member
you will know when to pick them, Do Not wash your shrooms it will take alot of the ?potincy? out of them, Pick the whole thing, fresh is more potant dry will do the trick just as good tho. if there wet eat about 30grams wet if dry about 3-4 grams


Active Member
Thanks for the advice everyone. Keep it coming.

About how long will the shrooms last if kept fresh?

I assume this is the main reason for drying, ie.. to make them last longer.

Anyone else have an opinion on dosages? Kind of worried about taking to much the first time. Remember I've never done this before and would rather not have a bad experience.


Well-Known Member
your wet mussies will last intill they dry then they will last for a pretty long time. just dont put wet mushrooms in a plastic bag or somthing like that because they will start to mold very fast. you cant really take to much you will just fry alot harder the more you take, and if you take to little your just going to get a nice body high. and if your in a chill place and around chill people and dont worrie about having a bad trip your not going to.


Well-Known Member
If you want to dry them out put them all on a plate in a well ventilated room at room temp for about 4 days.

Happy trips :joint::mrgreen:


Active Member
Thanks guys. I don't know what strain of mushrooms they are. The kit says it can be one of like 4 different ones they send out. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


Active Member
imo i wouldnt eat 3-4 grams for your first time. i ate about 2 grams and fried really hard. now that ive done them a bunch, i can eat 2 grams and hardly fry at all


Well-Known Member
Bump...just got a refill kit in the mail today. Its been about 2 years since my last one ( from homestead)I can't find the damn instructions or dvd, but It was pretty simple . It looked like the mailman kicked it here though ...my package has been retaped.
Nothing like starting out paranoid, that usually comes after I indulge .